Turtle 30 years
Family of Brazil, who lost his turtle Manuela more than 30 years ago, has recently discovered a beloved pet in your home. Family Almeida says that the turtle disappeared from the family in 1982, and it has never been found, despite thorough and long searches. All felt that their favorite came through the front door during repairs in the house when the door was unlocked. However, after the death of his father Leonel, which occurred this month, the family decided to disassemble and tidy pantry, where he found his pitomtsa.
Son Leonel cleared the box and was about to throw away what he considered an old player, when a neighbor showed him a turtle. Lenita daughter, who gave the turtle Manuel, said that the family insanely happy to find. However, no one can understand how the turtle was able to survive more than 30 years in a closed closet. Experts believe that it is possible turtle eats termites that live in the wooden floor. Manuel refers to the red-turtles, which may for a long time (2-3 years) without food. In the wild, they eat fruits, leaves, dead animals, and even feces.
Source: www.infoniac.ru/news/Cherepaha-30-let-prozhila-zapertoi-v-kladovoi.html