Between these two images of more than 130 years ... But you will not believe what they feature!
You probably remember the story of a baby tortoise and the hare. Remember, the secret to winning the turtle in the race was the strategy of "Slow and steady wins - on going." Is it true?
With this statement in full agreement, it is supposed to be the oldest in the world turtle named Jonathan. This champion of the world is moving slowly but surely. He overtake, or rather, survive many more of us.
This is a photo of Jonathan the tortoise made in 1902. And then he knocked as much as 70 years! B>
Photo: Imgur
For the first time it took to himself as a pet in 1882. For turtles take about 50 years to reach the size of adult (adult Jonathan you can see in the photo 1902). B>
Photo: St. Helena Online
Jonathan was born about 1832.
Photo: BBC
And now, in the 182-year-old, a turtle named Jonathan still did not give up. He set a world record as the oldest terrestrial creature on the planet. B>
Photo: Oceanwide Travel
Although Jonathan was able to achieve such a record, it can not be considered representative of the oldest turtles in the history, since there were unconfirmed reports of old-timers, 250-year-old turtle from India.
Photo: St. Helena Online
Photos: Earth Photos
Photo: St. Helena Online
Photo: Joe Hollins
Photo: Stories.Wayn
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With this statement in full agreement, it is supposed to be the oldest in the world turtle named Jonathan. This champion of the world is moving slowly but surely. He overtake, or rather, survive many more of us.
This is a photo of Jonathan the tortoise made in 1902. And then he knocked as much as 70 years! B>

Photo: Imgur
For the first time it took to himself as a pet in 1882. For turtles take about 50 years to reach the size of adult (adult Jonathan you can see in the photo 1902). B>

Photo: St. Helena Online
Jonathan was born about 1832.

Photo: BBC
And now, in the 182-year-old, a turtle named Jonathan still did not give up. He set a world record as the oldest terrestrial creature on the planet. B>

Photo: Oceanwide Travel
Although Jonathan was able to achieve such a record, it can not be considered representative of the oldest turtles in the history, since there were unconfirmed reports of old-timers, 250-year-old turtle from India.

Photo: St. Helena Online

Photos: Earth Photos

Photo: St. Helena Online

Photo: Joe Hollins

Photo: Stories.Wayn
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