British dog-record holder

dog-survivor recently celebrated a milestone in his canine century, surpassing the age of 22 years. Jack Russell terrier named Daisy was rescued from a shelter in 1993 to its current owner Mark Barsbi-Finch from the English town of Tewkesbury, when she was about two years from rozhdeniya.

It took 20 years, and it still pleases the host and hostess and her joie de vivre devoted teplotoy.

Experts estimate that the 22-year-old terrier life for the equivalent of 100 human years. Host Daisy says that the secret of longevity lies in its long jogging on a suburban area and the categorical rejection of any factory specialized food sobak.

"Daisy in life never tasted dog spetskorm always ate only what we consume. Her favorite dish - a roast chicken and mashed potatoes. And I'll never give her scraps from the table, and the cook serving it personally. Of course, it is much spoiled Daisy, but she deserved it, giving us so much warmth and affection for all these years, "- says 48-year-old Mark.
Source: mirfactov.com/
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