Letters from war
The Great Patriotic War has left a lot of documentary evidence. A special place among them are the soldiers letters which were waiting with bated breath. Unfortunately, few of them have survived. But those that survived, fully convey not only the horrors of war, but also the whole range of feelings and emotions between the soldiers and their families. Here is a photo essay, which is removed after 70 years at the time of large-scale military and historical reconstruction "Battle for Kiev" with quotations from the actual letters of soldiers of the Great Patriotic War.
Hello, my dear mother! I inform you that today live healthy, I am on the front, destroy German bastard and persecuted them west. Free the native towns and villages, we release the fathers, mothers, sisters and brothers from the German nightmare. Mother, yesterday I was in a very difficult fight, but that fight I showed how to fight for Ukrainian children of their sacred homeland; in front of my unit were hundreds of German soldiers and officers ...
Now we are in the area of fronts, but still do not participate in the battles, because our time has not come. This is the time used for further training and development of its weapons and equipment that would have to act in combat masterfully and skillfully. Command puts us to the task of achieving the title of the Guards, and the data we have on it.
My dear mother, I really missed home, but somehow get used to it. Mom, send something small like a parcel and even if there is little money. Yes, even paper and pencil, try as soon as possible.
Hello dear parents. Hello brothers and sisters. I congratulate you (but late) on the upcoming May 1st. I wish the best of success in your life. This letter I write to you from the dense forest. We are currently present spring with all its delights, awe in the minds of each rapid defeat of the German hordes. I inform you that I am alive and well, exactly as how you see me off ... It is almost a month since I have not received any letters from home ...
Just returned from the front line and under the excitement of battle I am writing you. Do not touch me now kind of death and did not want to bend bullets and shells. Maybe it fatalism, but his own life is so insignificant value that you do not notice much. However, surrounding care, but a matter of chance even in front of at least 10 km back.
I am now in the fighting, I am alive and well, and that I wish you. August 8 was wounded by grenade fragments in the head, arm, right thigh, legs and buttocks, but this is nonsense, I was just a bit scratched, now I feel good. 25th received from Boris letter, for which many thanks to him, but to answer it, I can not - there is no paper, and the paper and the envelope that I write to you, I took the murdered Fritz, took Parabellum, but gave one of the guys because bad ammunition.
Hello dear Anja and cute daughter Galichka! Greetings to you, Daddy and Mummy. Anya got your letter. And yesterday I had as a holiday from you received two letters from Ivanov and then by Fedik. As I wrote, the whistle of bullets and tear shells and mines now do not bother me. If there is a break, it seems that as though something is missing. I am very happy, Anna, that you and I have a nice little minx growing Galia. I wish I could look at it and play with it. Yet now the seventh month, I have not seen her. And you, Anya, I am also reminded of every day. I remember how we lived together, otdyhali.Nu but the time will come and we will again be all together.
Hello mother! I really miss you, miss you at home. The commander of the strict and harsh, but you can negotiate with him. Our unit has already conquered a couple of important towns, captured by the Germans. In these battles, we lost a few men, which is very mourning.
I often think of you, Mom, especially before the fight ... I'm afraid I will not be back and will never see you again. Do you often dream of me in a white coat with daisies, are you talking about me breakfast, gently udybayas and your blue eyes shining. I hope I still come back from the war, you can hug and kiss.
Thank you very much for your letter, I was very pleased to learn that my dear sister I have not forgotten. My dear girl! Our part-reptiles beat Fritz firmly on the Guards, and then we were on vacation, and now again they will get away from us on the first number.
Dear Daddy!
... I voluntarily went to the Red Army. At first, unaccustomed to hard. Who used to. All included in a rut. I enrolled in a field hospital.
The mood is great, I want to hurry to the front ... I think that at a time like this, we can not sit around and goof off. We must win the right to life.
... It was on a scholarship in the field five days. Taskala "wounded" was connected: my handy ability to ride a horse. Legs currently erased in the smoke, but nothing. Still, though, a little limp, but a great sense of satisfaction you made the case. Our department has been taken out of gratitude for the excellent work of command.
Write often. I will abandon laziness and also will often write.
I kiss you both tightly.
Soon there will be ready card, be sure to send.
My dear family! Hard to you all and embrace the whole. I'm alive and well, feel good. Presented yet another Order. They wrote in the newspaper again. I am fighting well. Similarly, my friends. Soon the end of the war. Wait, I'll come after the war. Hard to you all and embrace the whole.
Source: alexcheban.livejournal.com

Hello, my dear mother! I inform you that today live healthy, I am on the front, destroy German bastard and persecuted them west. Free the native towns and villages, we release the fathers, mothers, sisters and brothers from the German nightmare. Mother, yesterday I was in a very difficult fight, but that fight I showed how to fight for Ukrainian children of their sacred homeland; in front of my unit were hundreds of German soldiers and officers ...

Now we are in the area of fronts, but still do not participate in the battles, because our time has not come. This is the time used for further training and development of its weapons and equipment that would have to act in combat masterfully and skillfully. Command puts us to the task of achieving the title of the Guards, and the data we have on it.

My dear mother, I really missed home, but somehow get used to it. Mom, send something small like a parcel and even if there is little money. Yes, even paper and pencil, try as soon as possible.

Hello dear parents. Hello brothers and sisters. I congratulate you (but late) on the upcoming May 1st. I wish the best of success in your life. This letter I write to you from the dense forest. We are currently present spring with all its delights, awe in the minds of each rapid defeat of the German hordes. I inform you that I am alive and well, exactly as how you see me off ... It is almost a month since I have not received any letters from home ...

Just returned from the front line and under the excitement of battle I am writing you. Do not touch me now kind of death and did not want to bend bullets and shells. Maybe it fatalism, but his own life is so insignificant value that you do not notice much. However, surrounding care, but a matter of chance even in front of at least 10 km back.

I am now in the fighting, I am alive and well, and that I wish you. August 8 was wounded by grenade fragments in the head, arm, right thigh, legs and buttocks, but this is nonsense, I was just a bit scratched, now I feel good. 25th received from Boris letter, for which many thanks to him, but to answer it, I can not - there is no paper, and the paper and the envelope that I write to you, I took the murdered Fritz, took Parabellum, but gave one of the guys because bad ammunition.

Hello dear Anja and cute daughter Galichka! Greetings to you, Daddy and Mummy. Anya got your letter. And yesterday I had as a holiday from you received two letters from Ivanov and then by Fedik. As I wrote, the whistle of bullets and tear shells and mines now do not bother me. If there is a break, it seems that as though something is missing. I am very happy, Anna, that you and I have a nice little minx growing Galia. I wish I could look at it and play with it. Yet now the seventh month, I have not seen her. And you, Anya, I am also reminded of every day. I remember how we lived together, otdyhali.Nu but the time will come and we will again be all together.

Hello mother! I really miss you, miss you at home. The commander of the strict and harsh, but you can negotiate with him. Our unit has already conquered a couple of important towns, captured by the Germans. In these battles, we lost a few men, which is very mourning.
I often think of you, Mom, especially before the fight ... I'm afraid I will not be back and will never see you again. Do you often dream of me in a white coat with daisies, are you talking about me breakfast, gently udybayas and your blue eyes shining. I hope I still come back from the war, you can hug and kiss.

Thank you very much for your letter, I was very pleased to learn that my dear sister I have not forgotten. My dear girl! Our part-reptiles beat Fritz firmly on the Guards, and then we were on vacation, and now again they will get away from us on the first number.

Dear Daddy!
... I voluntarily went to the Red Army. At first, unaccustomed to hard. Who used to. All included in a rut. I enrolled in a field hospital.
The mood is great, I want to hurry to the front ... I think that at a time like this, we can not sit around and goof off. We must win the right to life.
... It was on a scholarship in the field five days. Taskala "wounded" was connected: my handy ability to ride a horse. Legs currently erased in the smoke, but nothing. Still, though, a little limp, but a great sense of satisfaction you made the case. Our department has been taken out of gratitude for the excellent work of command.
Write often. I will abandon laziness and also will often write.
I kiss you both tightly.
Soon there will be ready card, be sure to send.

My dear family! Hard to you all and embrace the whole. I'm alive and well, feel good. Presented yet another Order. They wrote in the newspaper again. I am fighting well. Similarly, my friends. Soon the end of the war. Wait, I'll come after the war. Hard to you all and embrace the whole.

Source: alexcheban.livejournal.com