Sandwich man

Billy Gibby, who once promised to set a world record for advertising tattoos on the body, regrets that he can not turn back the clock. After selling his skin for almost ten years the man changed his mind.
American, from head to toe covered with tattoos, has become quite well-known personality in the global network.

Failed boxer often attracted attention for its unusual deeds: a man working at low-paying jobs, gave a kidney to a stranger, and then began offering his body as a space reklamy.

Now Billy's face is covered with inscriptions, which do not carry cultural significance, or motif, suggestive world of this man. Instead of artistic patterns skin Gibby replete with advertisements, and most sites, have ordered a tattoo, no longer exists. The word "freak", "Video" and the domain suffix "com" occur most often.

The idea to use yourself as a living billboard came up American ten years ago, when he combined the two jobs and desperately needed the money, so placed on his back tattoo online casinos, which brought him 10 000 dollars.

Now, not only the body of a man, but his face is covered with 38 tattoos on which he wants to get rid of. According to Billy, to sell his skin was pushing his fear for the children and is a progressive disease, which he guessed.

The fact that a man has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, formerly known as manic depression - a disease characterized by mixed states: depressive and manic or euphoric and braked.

"Because of my condition, I could not stay long in one job, although the bosses are always good to me. But bipolar disorder is not caused me to look for new customers on the Internet, and fear for their children. The idea that I could not pay the rent, and they will become homeless, sneaks me to the bone. Children are much more important than my face, "- says Gibbi.

Doctors have convinced the tattooed Americans to take special drugs that stabilize his condition.

"I have always believed that the world is unfair and people hate each other. I tried to help others. But after treatment, I realized that I was wrong in many ways. Those who donate their kidneys to strangers? What if my child need a donor organ, someone will come to his aid? I do not regret what he had done and drawings on my body. The only thing that upsets me - a reflection of my face in the mirror "- bitterly says man-reklama.

Source: fedpost.ru/lydi/41893-chelovek-reklama-mechtaet-izbavitsya-ot-svoix-tatuirovok.html