Strong coffee

For those who no longer raises the morning cup of regular coffee sells a special kind of "dying wish» (Death Wish Coffee). The manufacturer claims that the caffeine in it is twice more than the usual kofe.

The creators of the "dying wish" claim to have found the beans with the highest caffeine content, Arabica flavor and a double boost of energy and that their organically grown coffee beans and roasted to a medium level for strong vigorous vkusa.

"This is not the usual morning coffee. It is not the coffee that you buy in a store or order a whole in the cafe. This is an extreme coffee, and he is not for wimps. Consider that you have been warned "- say proizvoditeli.

It's certainly not the cheapest coffee and one package containing 450 grams of grain, worth 19, 99 dollars. If you do not it seem sturdy enough, the company guarantees the refund within 60 dney.

Journalist Time, which used to work in the famous coffee house barista Starbucks, tried two cups of coffee "dying wish." Rebecca Nelson (Rebecca Nelson) states that experienced a strong recovery, and two hours followed by "caffeine hangover" when she felt as if he had not slept 36 hours podryad.

Other people say that coffee gave a boost of energy for the day and has a rich intense aroma.
Source: mirfactov.com/