Bionic hand with iPhone

real revolution in the field of prosthetics has caused the development of a new British-Touch Bionics company has achieved tremendous success in developing applications for the iPhone and IPad, allows you to program movements bionic hand protezov.

Boston Marathon bombings, which resulted in more than 260 people suffered serious injuries, including amputation caused, triggered a new wave of interest in the achievements of science in the field of prosthetics. In the photo, Jason Koger, who lost his arms and legs in an accident, demonstrates its ultra-modern protezy.

The program significantly expands the possibility of a variety of movements and actions, including variants have 24 capture of the subject, each can be selected by simply pressing the stylus on the screen of the iPhone or IPad.

"Five years ago, I could not pull my pants myself," said Koger. "Today I go hunting and do things that I do not even have dreamed to do five years ago» .

Technology shows how the rapidly changing field of prosthetics, public funding is the United States has increased significantly as a result of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Adjusting hand movements using very precise, smooth movement is performed according to specific dimensions and shape obekta.

The fingers move independently, and the thumb is motorized and not passive, as in previous prostheses.
Source: teleobektiv.ru/Tehnologii/Programmirovanie-bionicheskih-ruk-s-iPhone.html