How coffee affects the chest

Researchers from the University of Lund (Sweden) reported on the results quite interesting and unexpected study, which drew several hundred representatives of the fair sex. Women had to perform a simple task: to drink coffee on a daily basis. And while scientists are regularly measured, ... How do they byust.

And that's because the thing: it turns out that coffee lovers, especially the "new converts" are at risk of losing a little bit in volume. Their breasts, according to the findings of scientists from the constant "kofepitiya" can lose up to 17% in girth. However, in order to rule "worked", you need to drink at least three cups of coffee in den.

However, the researchers calm: the most notable result was the ladies with large breasts. Those whose breast size can be described as "average" or "small" percentage of loss is less, and almost not noticeable. Interestingly, the researchers did not advise against drinking coffee on the contrary, in the case of a large bust, this beverage because of its effect may be somewhat reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. Doctors believe that the fact that the consumption of coffee in women regulates the level of male hormones.
Source: scienceblog.ru/2013/04/17/kofe-umenshaet-grud/