I want to marry a guy who earns in a year is not less than 500 thousand dollars
On one of the forums some American girl asked:
"I - a beautiful, funny, smart girl. I want to marry a guy who earns in a year is not less than 500 thousand dollars »
One of the young financiers are not too lazy to answer it on the merits:
"I read your post with great interest. And that's how I see it.
Your offer in terms of a guy like me - definitely a bad deal, and here's why. In a nutshell, then you offer her beauty in exchange for my money. Fine. But your beauty will fade and my money - only grow. Of course, the probability of increasing my capital could be put into question, but you're something beautiful just not going to!
So in terms of the economy you - a depreciating asset and I - Return on assets. But you're not just a depreciating asset: your value falls faster and faster, after 10 years on you and no one will look. Buy you (what you're asking) - bad business, so I'd better take you to rent.
If my words seem harsh to you, think about what if my money disappear, so will you. So, in all fairness, when your beauty fades I need to get rid of that asset. It's very simple. So a deal that has meaning for me - it's goodbye, but not a wedding.
I hope I helped you.
Yes, if you're ready to discuss rental options - let me know! "