Journey to the North Pole
Most recently, we told you about how the Olympic torch relay was held at the North Pole. Today, photographer and traveler under the name sergeydolya continues his interesting story about the journey to the North Pole. Carefully, under the cut cold;)
With the onset of polar twilight reached Franz Josef Land, and the next day went to the ice kingdom ...
On the icebreaker was MI-2
By the way, do not feed the icebreaker round as it may seem, and with a recess. Usually, if the ship is stuck, the icebreaker is reversing, the stern rests on the nose and pulls the ship from the ice prison:
With the onset of polar twilight approached Franz Josef Land:
Pilothouse. The captain has three assistants, each watch 4 hours. In the watch enters the XO, the acting captain in his absence, navigator and helmsman sailor, who, in fact, turn the steering wheel. Navigator though uses computer navigation, duplicates course on printed maps:
Approaching the Franz Josef Land, saw an iceberg like elephant head:
It was getting dark, we had to shoot at high values ISO:
Approaching the iceberg, highlight its spotlight:
At this point, before the icebreaker appeared whale. Unfortunately, a good photograph him failed. Despite clarified frame around was solid darkness:
An hour later, the weather has finally deteriorated and started blizzard. Since there was nothing to take too much, I decided to take pictures of the snow in the spotlight:
There are clearly visible aerodynamic features pilothouse: on the bridge despite the weather, there is almost no wind. Along the lines of snow can be seen as it rises higher and encircles her:
Here, too, can be clearly seen with some bending snow changes its flight path:
The next day, around noon, passed another iceberg:
This - the maximum illumination "of the day", which lasted about 2 hours:
The ice is thin and consists of small pieces. Before the ice crust we walked in the dark (to see the signals of other courts), but now including searchlights:
Captain's cabin:
With stern clearly visible trace of the icebreaker:
Deliberately did not clarify the picture to convey twilight state:
Hole on the bow of the vessel through which the plant ropes. In the distance can be seen the light from the projector:
When driving icebreaker does not cut ice as it may seem at first glance, namely colitis. In the process of cracks, which, pushing ice floes and the ship passes:
Went down into the hold and took a picture of the contents:
Here was found a lot of things, sometimes unexpected:
Bulkheads icebreaker. At this point, heard well as ice scratching on the sides:
It seems that the fog is actually snowstorm long exposure:
The moon came out and around it formed a small halo. I hid behind the moon blade and turned the helicopter with the "halo»:
Source: sergeydolya.livejournal.com

With the onset of polar twilight reached Franz Josef Land, and the next day went to the ice kingdom ...

On the icebreaker was MI-2

By the way, do not feed the icebreaker round as it may seem, and with a recess. Usually, if the ship is stuck, the icebreaker is reversing, the stern rests on the nose and pulls the ship from the ice prison:

With the onset of polar twilight approached Franz Josef Land:

Pilothouse. The captain has three assistants, each watch 4 hours. In the watch enters the XO, the acting captain in his absence, navigator and helmsman sailor, who, in fact, turn the steering wheel. Navigator though uses computer navigation, duplicates course on printed maps:

Approaching the Franz Josef Land, saw an iceberg like elephant head:

It was getting dark, we had to shoot at high values ISO:

Approaching the iceberg, highlight its spotlight:

At this point, before the icebreaker appeared whale. Unfortunately, a good photograph him failed. Despite clarified frame around was solid darkness:

An hour later, the weather has finally deteriorated and started blizzard. Since there was nothing to take too much, I decided to take pictures of the snow in the spotlight:

There are clearly visible aerodynamic features pilothouse: on the bridge despite the weather, there is almost no wind. Along the lines of snow can be seen as it rises higher and encircles her:

Here, too, can be clearly seen with some bending snow changes its flight path:

The next day, around noon, passed another iceberg:

This - the maximum illumination "of the day", which lasted about 2 hours:

The ice is thin and consists of small pieces. Before the ice crust we walked in the dark (to see the signals of other courts), but now including searchlights:

Captain's cabin:

With stern clearly visible trace of the icebreaker:

Deliberately did not clarify the picture to convey twilight state:

Hole on the bow of the vessel through which the plant ropes. In the distance can be seen the light from the projector:

When driving icebreaker does not cut ice as it may seem at first glance, namely colitis. In the process of cracks, which, pushing ice floes and the ship passes:

Went down into the hold and took a picture of the contents:

Here was found a lot of things, sometimes unexpected:

Bulkheads icebreaker. At this point, heard well as ice scratching on the sides:

It seems that the fog is actually snowstorm long exposure:

The moon came out and around it formed a small halo. I hid behind the moon blade and turned the helicopter with the "halo»:

Source: sergeydolya.livejournal.com