Belovezhskaya Pushcha
Bialowieza Forest - one of the most famous attractions of Belarus, which attracts its primitive and a huge area. It was in this paradise Blogersha went to make a colorful picture story, which you can enjoy inside.
The mood was excellent! The day was clear and very cool. The best weather for a trip you can imagine! Navigator drove us along the road, which made a small detour, so we decided to cut way through Kobrin. As soon roll off the track as first suspicion crept in that we did it for nothing. The road was deserted, except for the clouds of rooks, which simply blocked it.
Stir in Kobrin weak and very slow, a lot of traffic lights and signs hanging everywhere - limit of 40 km / h. Then we drove through several villages, one of which decided to look into the store. We were struck by the friendliness of the local people, all greeted us and with each other, smiling. Though the people in the store were decent, but no one climbed out of turn, not rude. We decided to buy an ax and a lighter, which to my shame, forgotten in the city. Purse stayed in the car and the money that we have had not enough. But the saleswoman smiled allowed to take item back in the car and go, bring a shortage. So, that's trust.
We left the village with a warm feel to its inhabitants, and together with the village, the road ended and normal. The next few tens of kilometers we shook and tossed, and the passing trucks raised clouds of dust. Rejecting the idea to cut the road, we turned onto the road.
Two deer standing like a guard their possessions. Well, the company is working on the road in the bargain.
Main gate. After a few hours of travel, having passed through half of the country, we were finally there! To the right of the gate is parking and ticket office where you can buy tickets to museums, aviaries or pay a hiking trail. Also, here you can rent a bike and travel on it. The house on the left, we politely explained that without crossing the territory of the reserve can not drive a car. Skip given only to employees and to those who stopped by the lake with a tent as we are. All other entry is closed. To get a pass to go to the hotel №4, pay, and then return to the guard and show the receipt. Only after that, we will draw the coveted badge, and allowed to pass inside.
Just outside the gate are information boards.
The purpose of our train, item number 3, Lake Planta-1. There will be our camp.
Inside, everything is very nice and well-groomed. It is felt that this place was built for tourists.
Turn left and go down the road to find the right hotel to us.
And here it is. Initially, we had planned to rent a place for two nights, but the weather began to deteriorate, so do not take the risk and took one. Paid 160 thousand. Per day, it is much cheaper than a single room at the same time.
After receiving a pass, we have asked the guard detail, how and where we should go. Then, go to the checkout, where a talk with a very polite and friendly cashier who explained a lot to us and told. We bought tickets to the museum and aviaries. Passing on the territory, we stopped at the first cafe. But here we were disappointed. No service, no selection of this institution does not possess. The choice was only skewers of pork or boar. They took the pork, it is softer. The menu is still listed as a vegetable salad, but that the number because it was not available. The meat was tender, juicy and very tasty. While it may simply starve so it seemed? One way or another, but we was eating his general cheeks. Near the cafe began cages. Login here purely symbolic. No fences, no strict controls. The woman in the booth did not even looked at our tickets, and then they did not ask. Though complimentary passes.
Aviary is not a zoo. At least something similar is. The same animals also cells, but the size of these cells is incommensurable. Here the animals were given a huge space with meadows, trees and even swamp. Grates, it's just a hell of a photographer! Thick lens by no means wanted prolazit between the bars, and had to work hard to get a normal shots. The first people we met were deer. They stood, sat and just wandered. Individually or in groups. Some fun floated between the trees.
Next aviary and deer again. Here individuals are older, they are not as important sport lie in the mud. I thought it was just like pigs ...
In the face of flying beetle and I sat down on the nearest bush. Never before had ever seen, a large and fast. Macro failed.
Next ostriches. I do not know what they were doing. They can live in the Bialowieza Forest? They then very little, only two or three. Seeing us, handsome male immediately ran up and began to beg for treats. I had to go away, that would not pecked fotoapprat.
Finally, the main inhabitants of the forest, the bison. Bison is not in vain is considered the king of beasts Belarus. All their appearance suggests latent power. It is not even cows and bulls not! Though in appearance, they are slow and lazy, but actually it is not so!
For example, to remove this male had to run after him along the cage, and he just walked!
Zubryata more daring and trusting. Approach to people, give yourself a pat and wait for payment. Just try not to feed them, may butt! At such times, you start to appreciate the fence.
A strange sight
And it seems the newborn. It is very small and barely got up. Just bunting.
Weather blessed us. Clouds rescued from the sun, the rain is not going, and moisture in the air repel mosquitoes and gadflies. People probably also because they were not here at all.
Interesting to see and not just inside the enclosures, that this little gray bird - nuthatch, smartly flew between the trees, collecting seeds.
Wild boar. Now he is fed and resting quietly buried in the mud, but God forbid meet him in the woods! Weight and size, this "pig" is not much inferior to the largest predator of Belarus, brown bear, and even ferocity it does not hold.
And here is the bear. More precisely bear. They are kept separate from each other, in small cells and also of the double bars. I sting them, compared with other inhabitants of the enclosures, they are just in jail.
Wolf looks at all indifferent, and attempts to draw him closer failed miserably.
Coons also locked in the cage, but unlike bears, they are kept in a pair.
A fox.
But lynx behaves actively. He walks around the cage like obdumyaya how to get out of it. Sometimes she stops and looks longingly at people.
Incredible! If you believe the label it - raccoon dog!
Buzzard tearing meat and throws unkind glances witnesses his meal.
Golden eagle owl. His hate other birds always attack. This successfully used for hunting falcons, hawks and other predators. Filin tied by the leg near the shelter hunter attracts birds of prey that come down to him and fall into the shot.
On this visit to the aviary over. Before a trip to a parking lot, we decided to drive down the road, that take a picture of the forest. However, far failed to leave, we were there also drove the guard demanded a pass and said that it is possible to Ride only on the gate and to the lake. A step to the right or left on the article already drawn. It was unpleasant, because the watchman, who wrote out a pass, said she can go everywhere. I had to obey. However, a couple of shots have been able to do.
The lake reached without incident. No we did not stop and skip asked. Near the coast is a beautiful oak tree, looking at that head involuntarily climbed lines: "There stands a green oak, gilded chain on the oak tree, and day and night the cat scientist goes all along the chain around. There is a right - the song starts, the left - the tale says ... »
The atmosphere here is very different. There are no roads, no houses, no people. The virgin, untouched nature. The words here are misplaced, you can just enjoy the peace and quiet. Only here, we felt ourselves in the present in the forest.
Resting place surrounded by a decorative fence, and its area is very big! There are two tables with a roof, a few sites for tents, campfire and barbecue. Nearby were piled firewood. As luck would have it raw, and cut down trees in the forest is strictly prohibited. He began to drizzle drizzle. We quickly unloaded, set up a tent and hardly made a fire. All the while underfoot potoyanno running lizards, and from the lake came the croaking of frogs. We were already familiar to the guard pulled up and ordered to drive away the car in the designated parking lot, which was a few hundred meters from the tent. And, as promised on the phone that the machine can be placed directly next to the camp!
Barbecue Unfortunately, it was impossible to use. The bottom had rusted and half missing, and what is left, consisted of a pile of small holes. Coal simply were poured on the ground.
Leaving her husband to watch the fire, I went to a photoshoot. For a moment, the sun came out, filling all around with bright colors, we got a good shot.
The lake mirrors the forest and sky.
A little further direction of the lake and a small island. Further he decided not to go and turned back.
And this stupid too, tried several times to crawl into the fire. Perhaps it caught heat. Her husband every time he pulled out of the fire and refers to the side.
Evening. Firewood almost burned, and I start to cook dinner.
While we dined, it was dark. It seemed the moon, and in its ghostly light began to appear every bush hiding predator. Chirping crickets, frogs croaked. After admiring this beauty, we went to bed.
Source: april-ollysya.livejournal.com

The mood was excellent! The day was clear and very cool. The best weather for a trip you can imagine! Navigator drove us along the road, which made a small detour, so we decided to cut way through Kobrin. As soon roll off the track as first suspicion crept in that we did it for nothing. The road was deserted, except for the clouds of rooks, which simply blocked it.

Stir in Kobrin weak and very slow, a lot of traffic lights and signs hanging everywhere - limit of 40 km / h. Then we drove through several villages, one of which decided to look into the store. We were struck by the friendliness of the local people, all greeted us and with each other, smiling. Though the people in the store were decent, but no one climbed out of turn, not rude. We decided to buy an ax and a lighter, which to my shame, forgotten in the city. Purse stayed in the car and the money that we have had not enough. But the saleswoman smiled allowed to take item back in the car and go, bring a shortage. So, that's trust.

We left the village with a warm feel to its inhabitants, and together with the village, the road ended and normal. The next few tens of kilometers we shook and tossed, and the passing trucks raised clouds of dust. Rejecting the idea to cut the road, we turned onto the road.

Two deer standing like a guard their possessions. Well, the company is working on the road in the bargain.

Main gate. After a few hours of travel, having passed through half of the country, we were finally there! To the right of the gate is parking and ticket office where you can buy tickets to museums, aviaries or pay a hiking trail. Also, here you can rent a bike and travel on it. The house on the left, we politely explained that without crossing the territory of the reserve can not drive a car. Skip given only to employees and to those who stopped by the lake with a tent as we are. All other entry is closed. To get a pass to go to the hotel №4, pay, and then return to the guard and show the receipt. Only after that, we will draw the coveted badge, and allowed to pass inside.

Just outside the gate are information boards.

The purpose of our train, item number 3, Lake Planta-1. There will be our camp.

Inside, everything is very nice and well-groomed. It is felt that this place was built for tourists.

Turn left and go down the road to find the right hotel to us.

And here it is. Initially, we had planned to rent a place for two nights, but the weather began to deteriorate, so do not take the risk and took one. Paid 160 thousand. Per day, it is much cheaper than a single room at the same time.

After receiving a pass, we have asked the guard detail, how and where we should go. Then, go to the checkout, where a talk with a very polite and friendly cashier who explained a lot to us and told. We bought tickets to the museum and aviaries. Passing on the territory, we stopped at the first cafe. But here we were disappointed. No service, no selection of this institution does not possess. The choice was only skewers of pork or boar. They took the pork, it is softer. The menu is still listed as a vegetable salad, but that the number because it was not available. The meat was tender, juicy and very tasty. While it may simply starve so it seemed? One way or another, but we was eating his general cheeks. Near the cafe began cages. Login here purely symbolic. No fences, no strict controls. The woman in the booth did not even looked at our tickets, and then they did not ask. Though complimentary passes.

Aviary is not a zoo. At least something similar is. The same animals also cells, but the size of these cells is incommensurable. Here the animals were given a huge space with meadows, trees and even swamp. Grates, it's just a hell of a photographer! Thick lens by no means wanted prolazit between the bars, and had to work hard to get a normal shots. The first people we met were deer. They stood, sat and just wandered. Individually or in groups. Some fun floated between the trees.

Next aviary and deer again. Here individuals are older, they are not as important sport lie in the mud. I thought it was just like pigs ...

In the face of flying beetle and I sat down on the nearest bush. Never before had ever seen, a large and fast. Macro failed.

Next ostriches. I do not know what they were doing. They can live in the Bialowieza Forest? They then very little, only two or three. Seeing us, handsome male immediately ran up and began to beg for treats. I had to go away, that would not pecked fotoapprat.

Finally, the main inhabitants of the forest, the bison. Bison is not in vain is considered the king of beasts Belarus. All their appearance suggests latent power. It is not even cows and bulls not! Though in appearance, they are slow and lazy, but actually it is not so!

For example, to remove this male had to run after him along the cage, and he just walked!

Zubryata more daring and trusting. Approach to people, give yourself a pat and wait for payment. Just try not to feed them, may butt! At such times, you start to appreciate the fence.

A strange sight

And it seems the newborn. It is very small and barely got up. Just bunting.

Weather blessed us. Clouds rescued from the sun, the rain is not going, and moisture in the air repel mosquitoes and gadflies. People probably also because they were not here at all.

Interesting to see and not just inside the enclosures, that this little gray bird - nuthatch, smartly flew between the trees, collecting seeds.

Wild boar. Now he is fed and resting quietly buried in the mud, but God forbid meet him in the woods! Weight and size, this "pig" is not much inferior to the largest predator of Belarus, brown bear, and even ferocity it does not hold.

And here is the bear. More precisely bear. They are kept separate from each other, in small cells and also of the double bars. I sting them, compared with other inhabitants of the enclosures, they are just in jail.

Wolf looks at all indifferent, and attempts to draw him closer failed miserably.

Coons also locked in the cage, but unlike bears, they are kept in a pair.

A fox.

But lynx behaves actively. He walks around the cage like obdumyaya how to get out of it. Sometimes she stops and looks longingly at people.

Incredible! If you believe the label it - raccoon dog!

Buzzard tearing meat and throws unkind glances witnesses his meal.

Golden eagle owl. His hate other birds always attack. This successfully used for hunting falcons, hawks and other predators. Filin tied by the leg near the shelter hunter attracts birds of prey that come down to him and fall into the shot.

On this visit to the aviary over. Before a trip to a parking lot, we decided to drive down the road, that take a picture of the forest. However, far failed to leave, we were there also drove the guard demanded a pass and said that it is possible to Ride only on the gate and to the lake. A step to the right or left on the article already drawn. It was unpleasant, because the watchman, who wrote out a pass, said she can go everywhere. I had to obey. However, a couple of shots have been able to do.

The lake reached without incident. No we did not stop and skip asked. Near the coast is a beautiful oak tree, looking at that head involuntarily climbed lines: "There stands a green oak, gilded chain on the oak tree, and day and night the cat scientist goes all along the chain around. There is a right - the song starts, the left - the tale says ... »

The atmosphere here is very different. There are no roads, no houses, no people. The virgin, untouched nature. The words here are misplaced, you can just enjoy the peace and quiet. Only here, we felt ourselves in the present in the forest.

Resting place surrounded by a decorative fence, and its area is very big! There are two tables with a roof, a few sites for tents, campfire and barbecue. Nearby were piled firewood. As luck would have it raw, and cut down trees in the forest is strictly prohibited. He began to drizzle drizzle. We quickly unloaded, set up a tent and hardly made a fire. All the while underfoot potoyanno running lizards, and from the lake came the croaking of frogs. We were already familiar to the guard pulled up and ordered to drive away the car in the designated parking lot, which was a few hundred meters from the tent. And, as promised on the phone that the machine can be placed directly next to the camp!

Barbecue Unfortunately, it was impossible to use. The bottom had rusted and half missing, and what is left, consisted of a pile of small holes. Coal simply were poured on the ground.

Leaving her husband to watch the fire, I went to a photoshoot. For a moment, the sun came out, filling all around with bright colors, we got a good shot.

The lake mirrors the forest and sky.

A little further direction of the lake and a small island. Further he decided not to go and turned back.

And this stupid too, tried several times to crawl into the fire. Perhaps it caught heat. Her husband every time he pulled out of the fire and refers to the side.

Evening. Firewood almost burned, and I start to cook dinner.

While we dined, it was dark. It seemed the moon, and in its ghostly light began to appear every bush hiding predator. Chirping crickets, frogs croaked. After admiring this beauty, we went to bed.

Source: april-ollysya.livejournal.com