Rules of Life Guy Ritchie

You can have beliefs. The main thing they do not stick.
Learn to feel comfortable when you are uncomfortable. This taught me karate. Inconvenience to fear worse than themselves inconvenience.
I do not say that well in school - this is important, but I have all turned out differently, so I am against schools. And I am against those who take from childhood children pulling their homework. If a child wants to fool around, let playing the.
Most of all I was nervous when shooting video with a budget of £ 250. This is my first job.
As the poet said, luck and misfortune, in fact, the price of one (quote from a poem by Rudyard Kipling's "If ...». - Esquire). Sometimes it turns out that the worst thing that happened to us, in fact, the best. Or vice versa.
I love all available - I arranged. The first two of my films - "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels" and "Snatch" - understood by all. And the next two - no. First, "Gone", which no one understands, because there is Madonna. And then the "Revolver" - a conceptual cinema. That is to say, the present esoteric jam.
Every year I get for "Snatch" substantial check. Thanks to one this film I have a roof over your head.
If I now sat down to watch "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels" and "Snatch", I could not tell what will happen next scene. I am ashamed to admit it, but I would even probably liked it. Would sit like a fool and applauded his own film.
Gypsies have taught me not to keep anything valuable home.
In Roma I like the fact that they do not let you relax. Yes, steal, that's for sure. But they know a lot and can tell you all sorts of things about steam engines, hounds, folk music. They appreciate the wit and savvy they.
I have talked about 3D before this format came into vogue. I generally like all new to the movies, love movies that break the pattern.
Sherlock Holmes was a gentleman, but he was also a street fighter who knew a lot about fighting. I'm interested in the life of the streets, but I appreciate the noble and the environment. The ability to move between the two worlds - that's what I like Holmes. In addition, he was the first Western martial arts expert.
There are not many films that can ugrohat three million dollars per minute of screen time. So when I'm shooting advertising, as I try to be revel and try something new.
Commercials technically always be better movie. Funny, of course, but returns are much greater. So I try to take a year by the roller.
These bandits, as in the movie "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels" and I met in my life. One day I was with a whole crowd of characters went to the football. In life, never met anyone more polite. They talked about the stabbing in such expressions as if we were talking about the stag. But my friends are no longer criminals, they dzhentrifitsirovalis.
Five times a week I do a Brazilian jiu-jitsu. It's like a chess for fighters. And is well suited for the elderly: no crushes your joints and drives a nose in your face.
I do not give advice to your children. I am extremely glad that I did not give them much. We have to live with his mind.
In regard to fishing, I am a great philosopher. In a recent book read: when you're casting a fishing rod, you would like to relate to your subconscious and with nature. And when he begins to bite, then do not know yet what is now pulled out of the underworld. See how many intricacies. Young people do not understand.
I am an excellent fisherman. I have always caught fish, and any. I can read the thoughts of these creatures.
I can speak Hebrew and even almost know how to write it. I was incredibly fascinated that language.
Love sonorous phrases. They seem to appear out of thin air. If you collect in one place a few like-minded people, and one suddenly break out this phrase, it is most likely "will go to the people", the virus rapidly. I am always surprised how little good in the movie aphorisms.
I love your pub. He made my life better, he even revenue. From time to time I think to turn it into place decently, but then changed his mind. There's still a fight happen, people puke at the corners, someone to show off, and eventually throw it out. That's what and should be a real pub.
What good English pubs - and I have not seen anywhere else in the civilized countries - it's the fact that there are going to a variety of characters. Russian question * itutki, accountants, gangsters, rock stars and ordinary people - all sitting under one roof and thumps. And I love it.
Nowhere to be as good fun as the pub. If you have never had these bouts of laughter, when you sit at the counter and an hour non-stop laughs like a hyena, then you certainly do not understand.
I like the monarchy, because it is imperfect. I do not have anything against imperfections. Because perfection - it is a reason to do nothing. I know a lot of incredible filmmakers perfectionists that neither x * ene in life is not removed.
People like to root for the dark horse. But as it turns out that she has, in general, there are four legs and it is quite healthy, all she wants to tear those legs. It's human nature.
When you get older, you're more motivated process than the result. It begins to understand anyone who more than forty.
I have a nickname. But I tell you it will never tell.
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