6 celebrities who were raised in foster care

Many famous people adopt children from all over the world to give them a chance at a good life. But there are among celebrities and those who are themselves adopted into the family of strangers.
We at the Website decided to recall the 6 stories of adoption with a happy ending, when foster children have achieved success and recognition.
Steve jobs and his biological father abdulfattah (John) Jandali

Steve jobs was born on 24 February 1955 in a private clinic in San Francisco. His biological mother, a student of Joan Sible, was forced to abandon the baby because of pressure from parents. When they found out she was pregnant from Abdulfattah Jandali, born in Syria, has threatened to disinherit.
That is the adoptive father of Steve Paul jobs, instilled in your child a love of electronics and paid for the education, thus opening all the roads of the world. Steve jobs did not like when his parents called "foster", "They are my real parents 100 %".
Nicole Richie and her biological father is Peter Michael Escovedo

Parents Nicole Richie brought her to 3 years, and then gave her custody of Lionel Richie, his friend. This was due to the difficult financial situation of the family — parents, Nicole just couldn't provide the baby with everything necessary. 6 years later Lionel Richie and his wife Brenda Harvey-Richie officially adopted a girl, and her godfather was Michael Jackson himself.
In an interview, Nicole admitted, "My parents were friends with Lionel. They believed that the new family will be better able to provide for me". According to her, she now communicates with her birth mother.
Jamie Foxx

Jamie Foxx, in the future, is a famous American actor born in Texas in the family Louise Dixon and Darrel Bishop. Soon after his birth parents abandoned Jamie, and he was handed over to a foster family, Mark and Esther Talley Marie.
He grew up in the "black quarter," and the greatest influence on him by his grandmother. It was she who instilled in the boy a love of the arts, was taught to play the piano and influenced his decision to study classical music in College.
Ray Liotta

Biological his parents abandoned him, because the family could not afford the upbringing of the child. The boy was adopted by a pair of wealthy Italians, so it got a beautiful name and a new loving family. With him, the Italians adopted a girl, Linda — because ray appeared at the same time parents and sister.
Coco Chanel

The most famous woman in the world-designer was born in 1883 in Saumur. Her parents could not provide their children (except for Coco's family had 4 children) so the kids most of the time spent with many relatives.
When Coco was only 12 years old, his father left the family, and the girl was handed over to a shelter, then to a Catholic convent and finally to boarding school. According to Coco, it gave impetus to the choice of future profession: a forced life wearing dull gray form, she wanted to dress nice all the women in the world.
John Lennon

Shortly after John was born his parents divorced and when the mother found a new man, the boy was placed in the care of aunt Mimi and her husband.
According to Lennon, Mimi was very strict and disapproved of the boy's guitar. As recalled by John, she loved to repeat: "the Guitar is a good thing, but it will not help you earn a living!"
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