Pictures from the wind farm Botievo
Botievo WPP is on the shore of the Azov Sea in s.Botievo and is a powerful wind farm in Ukraine. Its construction began in 2011 and is one of the most expensive private projects. It looks very futuristic.
Wind turbines are giant size - 94 meters high tower, 149 meters high with blades, blade sweep than a football field. Everything is made from ultra-strong, ultra-lightweight, super-modern material and resembles something spaceships.
1. To start a small introduction "in the subject." Wind power stations are used in Ukraine for a long time, since the Soviet era. However, all of the installation obsolete even if their construction was completed (eg wind turbines on Cape Meganom). The same windfarm is built using the latest technology and has a large enough capacity. One such plant can generate 3 MW of electricity, which is enough to fully ensure a small town or village. By the principle of operation is simple. The wind blows - spinning blades - the rotor is driven by an electric generator - the cable is passed to all distribution station - continue to homes, apartments, businesses, etc.. One minus - there is no wind - no electricity. However, these stations are able to operate on the wind speed of 3 m / s, which means that practically round the clock output.
In the photo - managing office Botievo WPP, it is immediately and control of which later.
Huge wind turbines can be seen from afar. But first, it is difficult to estimate their size, and only when you approach very close to begin to understand what is this enormous machine. By the way, despite the fact that visually blades revolve slowly - at their ends the rotation speed reaches 400 km / h
WEC is in close proximity to the s.Botievo, Azov district, Zaporozhye region. Before the construction of public hearings were held, during which residents spoke about the benefits of this project. In particular the environmental, virtually silent and prospects. In addition, the company has provided and are so-called sotsinvestitsy, paving the road to the windmills, building a kindergarten in the village, renovated schools and creating jobs.
The manufacturer of wind turbines for the first phase WPP acted German company. Each turbine consists of 11 basic components.
The length of the blade, I called up, but the weight of each of them - 12 tons. The total weight of the whole structure without a foundation is 400 tons. The foundation weighs nearly 80 tons. This wind turbine can be installed in 3 days. The foundation of each wind turbine 16 reinforced piles, hammered to a depth of 28 meters.
Piles - a huge concrete structures with a diameter 1, 2 m, for the manufacture of each of which was used 115 tons of reinforcement and more than 1 thousand. Cubic meters of concrete. From each windmill is laid underground cable to the main distribution station.
Inside the tower is hollow. There is a staircase and an elevator for two people. The nacelle, installed at the top can be turned over by the wind. The size is it a small truck.
Inside the tower. To the right of the elevator cables. "Walking" the rise will take minutes 30.
To install a windmill used a crane with a boom over 100m.
The blades are connected to a special mechanism set in a gondola. With it you can change the angle of inclination at a certain wind speed.
At a wind speed of more than 25 m / s the blades turn in the so-called "feathered" position where the wind can not damage them. In this position, they are located on the lower photograph.
Wind in the feathered position
For efficiency, wind turbines must be located at a certain distance from each other. Recommended distance of not less than 2-3 Ranges blades.
Then the wind turbines are located one after the other will not take each other's wind.
Windmills in the normal position.
By the way, despite the fact that the wind turbines are in the midst of fields - it does not interfere with the growth and harvesting. Some locals even felt that they helped to install the contrary, as some birds are still afraid of the "giants".
A few words about the control room. Inside and outside, it looks very cool. People who work there said that they like the conditions.
From this control is carried out throughout the station. You can remotely enable or disable any wind turbine. Sensors show all the information. In the summer here is not hot, thanks to the 4 th air conditioning, and in the winter is not cold, because the sun warms the very tower. The benefit of sunny days in the Sea of Azov is enough!
So in short, you can tell about this unique building. Such facilities will soon be even more. In general, I think that for the future of alternative energy, because the resources will soon run out, and humanity will have a moderate appetites, or to live here among these beautiful structures.
Source: gratilo.livejournal.com

Wind turbines are giant size - 94 meters high tower, 149 meters high with blades, blade sweep than a football field. Everything is made from ultra-strong, ultra-lightweight, super-modern material and resembles something spaceships.
1. To start a small introduction "in the subject." Wind power stations are used in Ukraine for a long time, since the Soviet era. However, all of the installation obsolete even if their construction was completed (eg wind turbines on Cape Meganom). The same windfarm is built using the latest technology and has a large enough capacity. One such plant can generate 3 MW of electricity, which is enough to fully ensure a small town or village. By the principle of operation is simple. The wind blows - spinning blades - the rotor is driven by an electric generator - the cable is passed to all distribution station - continue to homes, apartments, businesses, etc.. One minus - there is no wind - no electricity. However, these stations are able to operate on the wind speed of 3 m / s, which means that practically round the clock output.
In the photo - managing office Botievo WPP, it is immediately and control of which later.

Huge wind turbines can be seen from afar. But first, it is difficult to estimate their size, and only when you approach very close to begin to understand what is this enormous machine. By the way, despite the fact that visually blades revolve slowly - at their ends the rotation speed reaches 400 km / h

WEC is in close proximity to the s.Botievo, Azov district, Zaporozhye region. Before the construction of public hearings were held, during which residents spoke about the benefits of this project. In particular the environmental, virtually silent and prospects. In addition, the company has provided and are so-called sotsinvestitsy, paving the road to the windmills, building a kindergarten in the village, renovated schools and creating jobs.

The manufacturer of wind turbines for the first phase WPP acted German company. Each turbine consists of 11 basic components.
The length of the blade, I called up, but the weight of each of them - 12 tons. The total weight of the whole structure without a foundation is 400 tons. The foundation weighs nearly 80 tons. This wind turbine can be installed in 3 days. The foundation of each wind turbine 16 reinforced piles, hammered to a depth of 28 meters.
Piles - a huge concrete structures with a diameter 1, 2 m, for the manufacture of each of which was used 115 tons of reinforcement and more than 1 thousand. Cubic meters of concrete. From each windmill is laid underground cable to the main distribution station.

Inside the tower is hollow. There is a staircase and an elevator for two people. The nacelle, installed at the top can be turned over by the wind. The size is it a small truck.

Inside the tower. To the right of the elevator cables. "Walking" the rise will take minutes 30.

To install a windmill used a crane with a boom over 100m.

The blades are connected to a special mechanism set in a gondola. With it you can change the angle of inclination at a certain wind speed.
At a wind speed of more than 25 m / s the blades turn in the so-called "feathered" position where the wind can not damage them. In this position, they are located on the lower photograph.

Wind in the feathered position

For efficiency, wind turbines must be located at a certain distance from each other. Recommended distance of not less than 2-3 Ranges blades.
Then the wind turbines are located one after the other will not take each other's wind.

Windmills in the normal position.

By the way, despite the fact that the wind turbines are in the midst of fields - it does not interfere with the growth and harvesting. Some locals even felt that they helped to install the contrary, as some birds are still afraid of the "giants".

A few words about the control room. Inside and outside, it looks very cool. People who work there said that they like the conditions.

From this control is carried out throughout the station. You can remotely enable or disable any wind turbine. Sensors show all the information. In the summer here is not hot, thanks to the 4 th air conditioning, and in the winter is not cold, because the sun warms the very tower. The benefit of sunny days in the Sea of Azov is enough!

So in short, you can tell about this unique building. Such facilities will soon be even more. In general, I think that for the future of alternative energy, because the resources will soon run out, and humanity will have a moderate appetites, or to live here among these beautiful structures.

Source: gratilo.livejournal.com