30 PRINCIPLES life wisely:

1. Let go of people and situations.
Do not scroll options events. As it happened, how it happened. When it is difficult to let go, ask two questions:
"Would it be important for me after 5 years?»,
"Tonight I will fly to Buenos Aires (any place that really want to visit), I'll take this issue with him?»
2. At the end of each week, answer the questions:
"What I learned last week?»
"The biggest achievement of the week?»
"What a moment this week was the most memorable and why?»
"I Spent at that time in the blank? If so, what? »
3. Follow appearance.
Always be prepared for new developments and unexpected encounters.
Hello! My head does not fit ... I dreamed about meeting with you for life! Eeee ... Only you excuse me, today I do not really look good ... roll up, you know ... »
4. Retrieve your lost and do not complain about the fate.
Silently stand, walk and do all that is necessary.
5. Travel! Twice a year, go someplace never been. Travel help find himself.
6. Allow yourself to make mistakes.
Missed something - do not miss a lesson from this. Error - a great opportunity for development.
7. Develop individuality.
You are what they are. With no one to compete, but himself.
8. Take decisions independently.
Do not cook on other people's recipes.
9. Do not impose.
The world is huge - there definitely is the one who will be happy to give it your look and smile.
10. Meditate every day.
Learn to relax and concentrate.
11. Smile when something did not work out the way you planned.
Remember, do not get what you want - sometimes a stroke of luck.
12. Learn to say "NO».
Do not be afraid to refuse!
- Do you want to make a courtesy call? No?
- No!
13. Evaluate each spoken word on the truthfulness, usefulness and kindness. Speak in fact, nothing more. NO - gossip, lies and complaints! It is better to be silent, if you have nothing to say.
14. Think.
Before deciding vote its cost.
15. If you manage very angry at someone - wait 24 hours before answering.
16. Be independent and self-sufficient.
Your happiness depends on you, not on how you think and act other people.
17. Respect yourself and others.
Man chooses. Do not meddle in matters that do not concern you. Do not look into the lives of others thoughts and words - do not lose sight of their choice!
18. Proceed exclusively within their own spheres of influence.
Do not worry about what you can not influence.
19. to be outdoors every day.
Regardless of the weather and mood.
20. Believe in dreams and ideas.
Time nonlinear. They have already been fulfilled!
21. Develop talents.
Remember, you have them! Just open your eyes.
22. Be responsible for their words and deeds.
Your words have tremendous power.
23. Be faithful. People, principles and choice.
"Being faithful - not an innate quality. This decision! »
24. If there is a matter on which work will take less than 3 minutes - it should be performed immediately.
Do not delay in doooolgo box. There has long been nothing fits.
25. Watch out for health.
It is - one. Ahead of you accomplishments - Health will need to implement them. Sports, yoga, meditation can help. Check!
26. Acquire inner peace and harmony.
The true power of man is not in a rush and tranquility.
27. Accept the fact that the past is in the past.
It does not exist! Remove the experience, release and move on.
28. Set your priorities.
Everything has its place.
29. conquers fear.
Fear - just an illusion.
30. Never give up!
Persistence and perseverance are always rewarded.