Sometimes when watching black-and-white photos it seems that in those days, and really did not have color. But now with the spread of computer technology colorization process became available to a wider circle of specialists. Colorizing old black and white photos is gaining its amplitude.
See also: Famous historical photographs in color, Alex, a German police dog, 1923
Girls are taught in high school shooting Roosevelt in Los Angeles, 1942
The Beatles, 1962
Pablo Picasso, dressed as a sailor Popeye, 1957
"Easter eggs" American soldiers in 1945 on the eve of Easter
Audrey Hebbern, 1950
Marilyn Monroe, 1953
Flamethrower in the Finnish forest, 1942
Farmer, 1931
Tattoo artist in the 1920s
Mechanic, 1920
Francois Auguste Rene Rodin - French sculptor, recognized as one of the founders of modern sculpture. Rodin in his youth made a living craft decorator, and the majority of its author's works were created in adulthood
Maria Sklodowska-Curie - Polish-French scientist-experimentalist, educator, social activist. Twice winner of the Nobel Prize: in physics and chemistry, the first double Nobel laureate in history
Edgar Allan Poe, 1848