The tour of the museum

This tiny museum is located in the city of Sevastopol in the children's park Lukomorye. I suggest to you along with the author to look at the exhibits and remember dear to each of us moments of childhood. Putting the museum

The same colorful Old ladies at the entrance ... the direct transfer of in that era

Remember these planes? They stood on each station ... How much do they cost? 10 cents?

My favorite shooting. How pyatnashek my brother and then left ...

Still there was such an option. By the way all the machines operating in the museum, and for 50 cents you can play any interested person ...

The children involved in the museum and

Selection of machines fairly decent ...

The dream of the Soviet school student ...

Girl stroking Grandpa Lenin ... Just as the Soviet child

Labels ...

Veterans say that such canned issued to residents of Sevastopol during the siege of the city by the Nazis

Documents ...

and money ...

Here it is - the main law of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Nice to meet you, King ...

Radiola. I think the title of this unit

For such pennants fought whole factories ...

Few pictures of newspapers that are plastered all the walls of the museum
