Post only true emergency response

In one non-fiction book is described such a case: a man went to Africa, traveled to Savannah, photographing wildlife and once came across a herd of hippos. Naturally, he could not miss such an opportunity to shoot rare animals in their natural habitat began to click. At some point, hippos noticed it, and they accepted, though herbivorous, but very aggressive. So, imagine the situation: he stands unarmed in the middle of the savannah around a single tree, and it rushes unfriendly body weighing several tons. What to do? He chose the only correct model of behavior: do not do anything. Just stood there. Behemoth was overcome cognitive dissonance: he was used to the fact that these small pizdyuliny when it bellwether hippos approximation flee in terror with all possible speed. And it does not run away. "Something's fishy - hippopotamus thought - I will not in any case to communicate." He stopped a few meters away from the man, turned around and headed back to the herd. Then he, by the way, had to fight to maintain the authority of another behemoth.
Hardly a man is all thought out, just dumbfounded and did not know what to do. And that saved him: you can not get away from the behemoth, and nowhere else, as well, not to fight with him. So, meet the fast of the only true action in emergency situations. In my opinion, it can be useful. After all, some people do not know:
If you become ill on a crowded street, do not yell, "I feel sick, call an ambulance," referring to all at once. Because of the division of responsibilities will each count, which will cause the other. Instead, you must choose one particular person and to say that it was he who called an ambulance. In social psychology, this phenomenon is called the effect Dzheznove.
When someone has a seizure occurs, usually around trying to unclench his jaw and shove something between your teeth to avoid tongue bitten off. This is, firstly, it is meaningless, and, secondly, it is practically impossible. In such a situation it is necessary to kneel down and lock between the head epileptic face up, and when the rest - turn to one side, so that he at first did not break my head, and then - choked vomiting.
By the way, should be put to one side all the people falling asleep in a drunken state. Failure to follow this simple rule a huge number of people have died and more than that, Jimi Hendrix.
Choking man in any case can not be knocking on the back piece of food may fall even further. Instead, we should stand back, clasp him around the torso under the arms and pull up sharply.
If you stick in your mouth incandescent bulb, it will be impossible to remove without the help of a doctor. But it is not necessary to check for yourself. However, it is not necessary.
When snakebite (eg viper) is useless to try to suck the venom straight through the wound. We must first make a pretty deep cut precisely through the bite (and preferably two, crosswise). But then to suck the blood of his health with poison. A small number of the poison which has got into the stomach be destroyed by gastric juice. And do not forget that in your mouth you should not have any wounds. And it is not nice to be - the person rescued, and he drank the poison!
Coitus interruptus does not mean safe. Especially for those people who are broke. By the way, even sexual intercourse during menstruation can cause pregnancy - use in anal sex.
No need to check hands as the car warmed up the brake discs, even in winter. No, never. And also:
- Lick the cold metal.
- Trying to warm breath freezing the metal tongue of another person.
- Stick your fingers into an electrical outlet or a meat grinder.
- Mixing stimulants with barbiturates.
- Holding his drug with a party of white powder, to check whether it is heroin, trying on the tongue.
If you are inside the car, which fell into the water, do not try to open the door / window or break the glass - because of water pressure fail. It is better to stop the panic (if possible) to sit quietly and wait until the car completely filled with water, and in the last moment, hold your breath and swim - equalize pressure and will open the door easily.
If you are soaked cell phone, turn it off, remove the battery and shove it all into a glass with alcohol, and then shake and silica for a day (package of silica gel can be found in new shoes, electronics, etc.).
If no silica - in the package rice. Also on the day or two.
In this scenario, there is a chance that all the water is displaced with alcohol, and the remaining moisture will be eating rice or silica gel. And again earn.
If a person has a current, do not try to pull his hands - vozmet you too. Use non-conductive material such as dry wood to remove it from the contact. if there is one herb - tear off a jump (your contact with the ground should not be).
if you suddenly hanging on power lines - can only hold a single wire. when you try to take a 2 degree difference in potential occurs, causing instant frying with a crust.
More about electricity: if there huyachat lightning or lying very broken wire - it is necessary to go slowly, not much placing his feet. ideally, press the feet and knees from each other and fingering lapkamisemenit. tselee will
During the fire on the lower floors often people on the upper die of suffocation by smoke. If you can not get out, you need a quick dial in the bath water and lie down in it, so that the water was only a nose. The fact that the water surface is always a layer of air, about three centimeters.
It is told in the life safety and brought the case in which a burning hotel remained intact only the Japanese delegation that such pieces have been taught.
If you are worried about something, you try not to think about.
Never drink a laxative and a cure for insomnia together.
If you feel that the other person's heart attack, please do not hit him with his fist in grudak with full force. This is called precordial blow, and if a person's heart stopped - it can save his life. And the ambulance arrived, most likely, the first thing to do just that. Another issue is that it must be able to do.
If you urgently need to use the services of the police, and you hope for the arrival of her urgent (for example at night in the street there was a danger murder / rape) it is not necessary to call on the phone and call the outfit better to break the window of the nearest. Attire who went on the signaling triggered will act much more quickly.
If you are ill with a hangover you go to work and worried about a pronounced exhaust is better to pick up a bottle of beer. Well, let the exhaust, but the whole day will not be tormented.
If you have pricked finger urgent need to treat damage to brilliant green, wrap tightly as possible consult a doctor immediately should act very quickly, otherwise the wound heal itself.
If a person is caught powerful a bad trip on psychedelics, in any case, do not call an ambulance. It happens that Psychonauts is taken to the loony bin, the next morning he wakes up completely normal, and hanging out in a madhouse for haloperidol several years. Plus, you can not drive a car, use of arms, the normal operation will not take, and other troubles. As antipsychotics have, as far as I know, without a prescription is not dispensed, the best way - the person drink alcohol to the point that he could not do anything except to sleep. Now, if the morning oklemaetsya not have to call, but up to this point - in any case.
When a person is drowning in particular - that he forces screaming "help" and waving remains.
If subsided - then something is wrong.
If poplyvesh save him - take a bottle of plastic, ball, cans, anything that floats. And when he was going to swim - especially throw it to him. He is the subject gripped tightly, allowing you, in many cases to avoid combat alarmist. It is not necessary to throw the object kept sinking in the water. He - a distracting thing.
To remove a tick bite, you need to unscrew it counter-clockwise. It is more convenient to do it by hand and not with forceps. Without strong pressure smoothly. After 30-40 repetitions mite movement slip out of the skin. It is necessary to ensure that the wound is left debris jaws. Tick necessarily preserve and hand over the analysis - analysis done quickly, in half a day. Next on the circumstances.
If your door trying to break the attackers - start to break down the door fainted - it is their puzzle.
How to protect yourself from AIDS? It is necessary to put on a condom with a mustache. Coat it with sunflower oil. Wear the second. Coat it with epoxy. Wear a condom third. On top of wrap. Bottom lubricate the epoxy resin. And most importantly - no sex.
If you are on a romantic date farted loudly, set aside a glass of wine, cleared his throat and tell the girl - We would still have failed. Then get up and walk away with her head held high. In no case do not look back. Ignorance of this simple technique has made life unbearable huge number of people. And, moreover, Jimi Hendrix.
Do not tell where the women are working and how much you earn. And if you live alone in his apartment, then do not say that it is his own. It is better to explain later, and then the favorite will be. On the other hand, if you do not live in the apartment, safely say that it's yours. Relationships can end, and will not develop, but the sex in a while you provide for themselves.
If you hesitate to pick up on a crowded street, found a coin, dropped his pants and sat down, ostensibly to take a shit, quietly pick up the discovery.
If you are afraid to get better, drink a glass of wine before the meal - it reduces the feeling of fear!
If you have any unclear situation go to bed.
If you like spicy food and hapnuli suddenly a lot of chili (or other spicy snacks), to calm the fire in the mouth - chew a small handful of anise.
If you are in a public toilet with a sudden flood of you diarrhea, and toilet paper once! in the past five years ended, will be an indispensable means of socks. At worst - pants or shirt. So you will be clean and save face in front of the queue to meet you at the exit.
If you are a girl and you five minutes to leave the house, and nails, horror of horrors! (Iron notes) are not made up - for God's sake, leave it as it IS.
If you barking and roaring runs or steals a hefty dog and you do not like, do not scream and run (if you are not sure that will have time to run). It is best to pick up any moderately weighty garbage and deliberately make a swing towards the perceived enemy, and choose an option to throw a second garbage. If garbage at hand was not, it is enough to pretend that you are something are going to quit. In the process of gradually moving away to a safe place, do not turn your back. When they reached a place of safety or otherwise exhausted incident, thank the person who disposed of your destiny.
By the way, the hot soldering iron in appearance looks exactly like the cold.
Keep on the balcony of a coil of strong rope. In case of fire, and it is impossible to escape through the door, it can save the life of the whole family. And learn how to knit bowline knot (Bowline, Bowline) to help other family members.
Learn to Knit a bowline knot rukoy.Eto just one. You never know when find yourself on a sinking Titanic
If you keep a cat in the street on his hands, but some asshole will close and the horn of his govnoshevrole - probably scared cat. Scared he might still a million Undoubtedly important for Kota reasons. Scared cat usually releases all available (including the spare) claws were close to the subject, that is, in your carcass.
Actually, the advice is not to try to pull out a frightened calling the police and Greenpeace cat by yourself you risk your dirty tattered clothes own abundant potekuschey of deep scratches blood. Instead, on the contrary, firmly press the cat to her for a few seconds until he pulls the claw itself and does not try to wriggle like a snake out of your grasp. If your cat - you should be able to calculate the power of hugs so that is guaranteed to immobilize the cat while he did not break anything. And if a stranger cat - do not worry, because he himself is to blame, there is nothing on the hands of other people to climb and scratch, such Manda, you look at him.
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