Survival School – Proper Behavior in Emergency Situations

In one popular science book described the case: a man went to Africa, traveled on the savannah, photographed wildlife and once came across a herd of hippos. Naturally, he could not pass up such an opportunity to shoot rare animals in the natural habitat began to click. At some point, hippos noticed him, and they are animals, although herbivorous, but very aggressive. So imagine a situation where he stands, unarmed, in the middle of the savannah, around no tree, and an unfriendly body weighing several tons is rushing at him. What do I do? He chose the only correct behavior: he did nothing. Just standing there. Hippopotamus embraced cognitive dissonance: he was used to the fact that such small pustules with his approach, the leader of the hippo herd, flee in horror at all possible speed. That doesn't run away. “Something is unclean here,” thought the hippopotamus, “I won’t mess with you just in case.” Stopped a few meters from the man, turned around and headed back to the herd. Then, by the way, he had to fight with another hippo to maintain his authority.
It is unlikely that the man thought all this out, just stunned and did not know what to do. And this saved him: you can not run away from the hippopotamus, and there is nowhere to fight with him. So, meet: post the only correct actions in emergency situations. I think he might be useful. Some people don't know that:
If you feel bad on a crowded street, do not shout “I feel bad, call an ambulance”, addressing everyone at once. Because of the division of responsibility, each will count on the other to call. Instead, choose one particular person and tell them to call an ambulance. In social psychology, this phenomenon is called the Jeznova effect.
When someone has an epileptic seizure, people around them usually try to open their jaw and stick something between their teeth so they don’t bite off their tongue. This is, firstly, meaningless and, secondly, almost impossible. In such a situation, you need to get on your knees and fix between them the head of the seizure face up, and when calmed down, turn to one side so that he does not first break his head, and then choke on vomiting.
By the way, one should put all people who have fallen asleep in a state of intoxication. Failure to follow this simple rule has led to the death of a great number of people and, moreover, Jimmy Hendrix.
A choked person in no case should not knock on the back: a piece of food can fall even deeper. Instead, you need to stand behind, embrace it around the torso under your arms and pull up sharply.
If you put an incandescent light bulb in your mouth, it will not be possible to remove it without the help of a doctor. But don't test yourself. You really shouldn't.
When bitten by a venomous snake (for example, a viper), it is useless to try to suck the poison directly through the wound. You must first make a fairly deep incision exactly through the bite site (or preferably two, cruciform). But then suck blood with poison on your health. A small amount of poison that got into the stomach to be destroyed by gastric juice. Remember that you should not have any wounds in your mouth. It will not be pleasant - he saved the man, and the poison himself was drunk!
Interrupted sexual intercourse does not mean safe. Especially the one who interrupted those people. By the way, sexual intercourse even during menstruation can cause pregnancy - use anal sex.
Do not check with your hands how heated the brake discs of the car, even in winter. Don't, never. And also:
- Lick metal in the cold.
- Try to breathe to warm the tongue of another person frozen to metal.
- Put your fingers in a socket or a meat grinder.
- Mix stimulants with barbiturates.
- Detaining drug dealers with a batch of white powder, checking if it's heroin by trying it on the tongue.
If you are inside a car that has fallen into the water, do not try to open the door/window or break the glass – due to the pressure of the water, nothing will work. It is better to stop panicking (if possible), calmly sit down and wait until the car is completely filled with water, and at the last moment hold your breath, and swim out - the pressure equalizes and open the door will be easy.
If you soak your mobile phone, turn it off, pull out the battery and stuff it in a glass of alcohol, and then shake it off in silica gel for a day (packages of silica gel can be found in new shoes, electronics, etc.).
And if there is no silica gel - in a package of rice. Also for a day or two.
In this scenario, there is a chance that all water will be displaced by alcohol, and moisture residues will be consumed with silica gel or rice. And it'll work again.
If a person is electrocuted, do not try to pull him with your hands - he will take you too. use non-conductive materials, for example, a dry tree, to tear him away from the place of contact. if there is one grass nearby - tear him off in a jump (your contact with the ground should not be).
if you suddenly hung on the power line - you can hold on to only one wire. when you try to take on 2, there will be a potential difference, which will lead to instant frying with a crust.
more about electricity: if there are lightning bolts nearby or the same ragged wire is lying around, you need to leave slowly, strongly not scattering your legs. ideally press your feet and knees at each other and going through the paws.
During a fire on the lower floors, people on the upper floors often die from suffocation by smoke. If you can not get out, you need to quickly dial water into the bath and lie in it, so that there is only a nose above the water. The fact is that above the surface of the water there is always a layer of air, about three centimeters.
This was told at the OBJ and cited a case when a delegation of Japanese people who were taught such things remained unharmed in a burning hotel.
If something bothers you, try not to think about it.
Never drink laxatives and insomnia medication together.
If you think that another person is having a heart attack, please do not punch him in the chest with all your might. This is called a precardial stroke, and if a person’s heart stops, it can save their life. An ambulance will probably do just that first. The other question is what you have to be able to do.
If you urgently need to use the services of the police and you hope for its urgent arrival (for example, at night there was a danger of murder / rape on the street), you should not call the phone and call the outfit, it is better to break the nearest showcase. Outfit left on the operation of the signal will act much more quickly.
If you go to work with a cruel hangover and are worried about pronounced exhaust, it is better to take a bottle of beer. Well, let the exhaust, but you will not suffer all day.
If you pricked your finger: it is necessary to urgently treat the damage with greenery, bandage tightly, if possible immediately consult a doctor, you should act extremely quickly, otherwise the wound will overgrow by itself.
If a person caught a powerful bad trip under psychedelics, in any case do not call an ambulance. It happens that a psychonaut is taken to a madhouse, the next morning he wakes up absolutely normal, and in a madhouse hangs out under haloperidol for several more years. Plus, you will not be able to drive a car, own a gun, and other troubles will not take a normal job. Since antipsychotics are not dispensed without a prescription, as far as I know, the best solution is to give a person alcohol to such a state that he can do nothing but sleep. If the next morning does not stick, you will have to call, but until that moment - in any case.
When a person specifically drowns, then he has the strength to shout “help” and wave his hands does not remain.
If it's quiet, something's wrong.
If you swim to save him, take a plastic bottle, a ball, a canister, anything that floats. And when you swim up to him, you throw it to him first. He will cling to this object firmly, which will allow you in many cases to avoid fighting the alarmist. It is not necessary that the thrown object kept the drowning in the water. He's just a distraction.
To remove a tick bite, you need to twist it counterclockwise. It is more convenient to do this with your hands rather than tweezers. No pressure, smoothly. After 30-40 repetitions of the movement, the tick will slip out of the skin. It is necessary to make sure that there are no fragments of jaws left in the wound. The tick must be saved and tested - the analysis is done quickly, in half a day. Further, according to circumstances.
If attackers try to break down your door - start breaking down the door from exhaustion - this will puzzle them.
How do you protect yourself from AIDS? We should put on a condom with a mustache. Lubricate it with sunflower oil. Wear a second. Lubricate it with epoxy. Wear a third condom. Top bandage. Below, smear with epoxy. And most importantly, no sexual contact.
If on a romantic date you farted loudly, put aside a glass of wine, cough up and tell the girl – We would still not work out. Then get up and walk away with your head held high. Under no circumstances look back. Ignorance of this simple method has made the lives of a huge number of people intolerable. And more than that, Jimmy Hendrix.
Don’t tell women where you work or how much you earn. If you live alone in your apartment, don’t say it’s yours. You better explain later and you'll be more loved. On the other hand, if you don’t live in your apartment, say it’s yours. The relationship may not work out in the end, but you will have sex for a while.
If you are embarrassed to pick up a coin found on a crowded street, lower your pants and crouch, allegedly shit, calmly pick up the find.
If you are afraid of getting better, drink a glass of wine before eating - it dulls the feeling of fear!
In case of any strange situation, go to bed.
If you are a fan of spicy food and have suddenly eaten a lot of chili (or other spicy tasty), in order to calm the fire in the oral cavity - chew a small handful of anise.
If you find yourself in a public toilet with sudden diarrhea, and toilet paper suddenly! ended in the last five years, socks will be an indispensable tool. At the worst, the underpants or the shirt. So you will be clean and save face in front of the queue at the exit.
If you’re a girl and you’re out of the house in five minutes and your nails aren’t made up, for God’s sake, leave it as it is.
If a big dog runs to you with a bark and a roar, and you do not like it, you should not shout and run away (unless you are sure that you will have time to run). It is best to pick up any, moderately weighty shit and demonstratively swing in the direction of the alleged opponent, optionally throw and pick up a second fuck. If the fuck is not at hand, it is enough to pretend that you are going to throw something. Step back to a safe place and do not turn your back. When you get to a safe place or otherwise exhaust the incident, thank the person who controlled your fate.
By the way, a hot soldering iron looks exactly the same as a cold one.
Keep a coil of strong rope on the balcony. In the event of a fire and the inability to escape through the door, she can save the life of the whole family. And learn to knit a gazebo knot (Bowline) to help other family members.
Learn to knit a gazebo knot with one hand. It's easy. You never know when you will be on the sinking Titanic.
If you are on the street holding a cat in your arms, and some asshole next to you will take and honk out of his shit, the cat will probably be scared. He may be afraid of another million Undoubtedly important reasons for the cat. A frightened cat usually releases all available (including spare) claws into an object nearby, that is, into your carcass.
Actually, the advice: do not try to rip off a frightened cat calling the police and greenpeace from yourself: you risk staining your torn clothes with your own blood flowing abundantly from deep scratches. Instead, hold your cat tight for a few seconds until it pulls its claws in and tries to pull itself out of your arms. If the cat is yours, you can probably calculate the strength of the hug so that it is guaranteed to immobilize the cat and not break anything. And if the cat is a stranger - it's okay, because it is his own fault, there is no need to climb on the hands of strangers and scratch, such a manda, look at him.
Source: 2cafe.net
Source: /users/78
The cat saved the boy from bullies and became a nominee for the award “Cat of the year of Britain”
Grim ethics Dr. N. human Experimentation