Pollock, baked potato on a bed of mushroom under a fur coat

Pollack 800 g potatoes 2 pcs., Onion 1 pc., 200 g mushrooms, celery stalk 1 pc., 2-3 garlic tooth., Fermented baked milk 500 g egg 1 pcs., Soda, flour, salt, pepper mixture Ground , ginger, vegetable oil for frying.
Clean the fish, cut into portions and cut the fillets. Fillets with salt and pepper and lightly fry in vegetable oil. Potato peel and grate. Overcome by excess juice. Season with salt. Mushrooms boil. Chopped onion and celery, add the mushrooms and fry in vegetable oil.
Prepare the filling. Whip the egg and salt. In ryazhenka add egg, baking soda and flour., The dough was like sour cream.
Now actually start to assemble meals for final preparation.
Baking dish greased with vegetable oil. At the bottom lay a bed of grated potatoes. Add pepper and ground ginger. On a bed of potatoes put a layer of fried fish ryby.Na put fried vegetables with mushrooms. Poperchit.Sverhu all pour prepared sauce. Bake at 180 t - 200 ° C (depending on board) 35-40 minutes, until browned crust. When serving garnish vegetables, decorate with greens and sauce that you love.
Bon Appetite!