100 Best Sci-Fi TV series of all time
Experts portal «TotalSciFiOnline» published the rating of the hundred best Sci-Fi TV series of all time. He topped the rating of the TV series "Doctor Who» (Doctor Who).
Below is a list of the first ten winners of the rating:
1. «Doctor Who» (Doctor Who), 1963 to the present day
2. «Star Trek» (Star Trek: The Original Series), 1966-69
3. "The Twilight Zone» (The Twilight Zone), 1959-64
4. "The X-Files» (The X-Files), 1993-2002
5. "The Prisoner» (The Prisoner), 1967-68
6. "Buffy - The Vampire Slayer» (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), 1997-2003
7. "Battlestar Galactica» (Battlestar Galactica), 2004-09
8. "The Quatermass Xperiment» (The Quatermass Experiment), 1953
9. "Star Trek: The Next Generation» (Star Trek: The Next Generation), 1987-94
10. "Babylon 5» (Babylon 5), 1993-98
The last line of the rating took the series "Black Season» (Dark Season) filmed in 1991.

Below is a list of the first ten winners of the rating:
1. «Doctor Who» (Doctor Who), 1963 to the present day
2. «Star Trek» (Star Trek: The Original Series), 1966-69
3. "The Twilight Zone» (The Twilight Zone), 1959-64
4. "The X-Files» (The X-Files), 1993-2002
5. "The Prisoner» (The Prisoner), 1967-68
6. "Buffy - The Vampire Slayer» (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), 1997-2003
7. "Battlestar Galactica» (Battlestar Galactica), 2004-09
8. "The Quatermass Xperiment» (The Quatermass Experiment), 1953
9. "Star Trek: The Next Generation» (Star Trek: The Next Generation), 1987-94
10. "Babylon 5» (Babylon 5), 1993-98
The last line of the rating took the series "Black Season» (Dark Season) filmed in 1991.