Day in Photos, April 21, 2011
Maundy Thursday behind. All cleared and waiting for Good Friday. Today was a lot of celebration, not without protest, of course, but overall a very good day.
Picture taken in the High Tatras, in Slovenia about the weekend.
Camels carry watermelons to market in Allahabad, India.
Polar bear chewing on Easter eggs in which the food is hidden. Zoo in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Spaniel puppy Tilly drowned the bell. Swan Forest, Stoke, United Kingdom.
Seasonal workers in the field of tulips near the town Shvaneberg, East Germany.
Agricultural workers are trying to save fruit trees from frost, ice covering the branches. Palisades, Washington, USA.
Hungarian schoolgirls watered their countrymen in honor of "Maundy Thursday". This tradition is pagan in nature, but eventually merged with the Christian.
A resident of Laos offers to be treated with fried crickets.
71-year-old Claudia Holland put this information board after someone tried to break into her house at night. However, according to combat old woman, the attacker stopped barking dogs. Hudson, Texas, USA.
Chinese woman sews insoles near her home, and her crumbs play next. One of the many devastated areas in Shanghai, China.
185 skydivers from 24 countries of the world in the sky over Deland, Florida, hover in the form of a phoenix.
Airplane Company «Air China» is landing on the roof of the train station in Beijing Capital International Airport.
Nepalese motorcyclists in line for gasoline at the entrance near the military refueling in Kathmandu.
Tourists get a portion of the sun's heat on the beach in Dubai.
About 200 pairs of newlyweds, she took part in a mass marriage ceremony. Jakarta, Indonesia.
This bride is clearly "fun" at her wedding.
In the suburbs of Krasnoyarsk taiga burns along the Yenisei River.
The Australian Villawood center for refugees was a fire.
It all started with the fact that about 100 migrants staged a protest in connection with the refusal to open them visas.
Sekou - Democratic representative from Liberia. Picture taken in an abandoned classroom of a school.
In the Lebanese town of Tyre was blown up a police car during a confrontation between demonstrators and police.
Libyan rebel rejoices as a shooting attack forces supporting Gaddafi. Suburb Ajdabiya.
Master shall be measured Guardsman, who recently returned from Afghanistan as part of the NATO mission. Removing the need for tailoring the size of the uniform, the soldier could not attend the wedding ceremony of Prince William and Princess Catherine. London, UK.
And here is to check the readiness of the Irish Guards in their barracks in Windsor, England.
Members of the Spanish Legion carry a statue of the crucified Christ in Malaga, Spain.
Spanish "brothers" id brotherhood "Los Negritos" correct each other caps. As today decided repentance street will not in connection with rainy weather. Seville, Spain.
Georgian boy jumping through fire during the Folk Festival in Tbilisi, Georgia.
Filipino children in costumes of Roman soldiers take part in the festival on the island of Marinduque masks.
US President Barack Obama and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg greet the audience during a meeting at the headquarters of Facebook, Palo Alto, California.
In Istanbul, Turkey today launched the European Judo Championship among adults. On the mat, the final battle between an Austrian Sabrina Filtsmoster (in white kimono) and Thelma Monteiro of Portugal. Sabrina won.
Australian Aborigines tribe arakval dance ethnic dance at the opening ceremony of the largest festival of blues music in Byron Bay. Expected arrival of Bob Dylan and Elvis Costello.
Photo: AP, Getty Images, Reuters
Picture taken in the High Tatras, in Slovenia about the weekend.

Camels carry watermelons to market in Allahabad, India.

Polar bear chewing on Easter eggs in which the food is hidden. Zoo in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Spaniel puppy Tilly drowned the bell. Swan Forest, Stoke, United Kingdom.

Seasonal workers in the field of tulips near the town Shvaneberg, East Germany.

Agricultural workers are trying to save fruit trees from frost, ice covering the branches. Palisades, Washington, USA.

Hungarian schoolgirls watered their countrymen in honor of "Maundy Thursday". This tradition is pagan in nature, but eventually merged with the Christian.

A resident of Laos offers to be treated with fried crickets.

71-year-old Claudia Holland put this information board after someone tried to break into her house at night. However, according to combat old woman, the attacker stopped barking dogs. Hudson, Texas, USA.

Chinese woman sews insoles near her home, and her crumbs play next. One of the many devastated areas in Shanghai, China.

185 skydivers from 24 countries of the world in the sky over Deland, Florida, hover in the form of a phoenix.

Airplane Company «Air China» is landing on the roof of the train station in Beijing Capital International Airport.

Nepalese motorcyclists in line for gasoline at the entrance near the military refueling in Kathmandu.

Tourists get a portion of the sun's heat on the beach in Dubai.

About 200 pairs of newlyweds, she took part in a mass marriage ceremony. Jakarta, Indonesia.

This bride is clearly "fun" at her wedding.

In the suburbs of Krasnoyarsk taiga burns along the Yenisei River.

The Australian Villawood center for refugees was a fire.

It all started with the fact that about 100 migrants staged a protest in connection with the refusal to open them visas.

Sekou - Democratic representative from Liberia. Picture taken in an abandoned classroom of a school.

In the Lebanese town of Tyre was blown up a police car during a confrontation between demonstrators and police.

Libyan rebel rejoices as a shooting attack forces supporting Gaddafi. Suburb Ajdabiya.

Master shall be measured Guardsman, who recently returned from Afghanistan as part of the NATO mission. Removing the need for tailoring the size of the uniform, the soldier could not attend the wedding ceremony of Prince William and Princess Catherine. London, UK.

And here is to check the readiness of the Irish Guards in their barracks in Windsor, England.

Members of the Spanish Legion carry a statue of the crucified Christ in Malaga, Spain.

Spanish "brothers" id brotherhood "Los Negritos" correct each other caps. As today decided repentance street will not in connection with rainy weather. Seville, Spain.

Georgian boy jumping through fire during the Folk Festival in Tbilisi, Georgia.

Filipino children in costumes of Roman soldiers take part in the festival on the island of Marinduque masks.

US President Barack Obama and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg greet the audience during a meeting at the headquarters of Facebook, Palo Alto, California.

In Istanbul, Turkey today launched the European Judo Championship among adults. On the mat, the final battle between an Austrian Sabrina Filtsmoster (in white kimono) and Thelma Monteiro of Portugal. Sabrina won.

Australian Aborigines tribe arakval dance ethnic dance at the opening ceremony of the largest festival of blues music in Byron Bay. Expected arrival of Bob Dylan and Elvis Costello.

Photo: AP, Getty Images, Reuters