Pictures from space Ron Garan (Ron Garan)
American astronaut has long published his photo work, and they are interested in literally everything. It's not every day a chance to look at our planet practically own eyes.
By profession Ron Garan (Ron Garan) - fighter pilot. However, after several years of work on the F-16 he was attracted to the next joint project of NASA and Russian cosmonauts. Ron participated in four space missions, and the last time he returned to the ISS recently - September 16, 2011-year. In total, the astronaut spent in space without six minutes 178 days. Agree, this is not enough. But, let's still go back to a subject, and will look at our beautiful home called Earth.
Photo by Ron Garan
By profession Ron Garan (Ron Garan) - fighter pilot. However, after several years of work on the F-16 he was attracted to the next joint project of NASA and Russian cosmonauts. Ron participated in four space missions, and the last time he returned to the ISS recently - September 16, 2011-year. In total, the astronaut spent in space without six minutes 178 days. Agree, this is not enough. But, let's still go back to a subject, and will look at our beautiful home called Earth.

Photo by Ron Garan