Milla Jovovich (Milla Jovovich) shot for the Campari Calendar
As you know, the Mayans, according to their ancient calendar, promise us next December the offensive end of the world. In exactly at the end of the year, or to be more precise, the 21 of December of 2012.
The manufacturer of one of the most popular on the planet decided beater to beat this topic and attracted to cooperate Milla Jovovich (Milla Jovovich), who starred in more than one film about the impending katatrofe. After Olga Kurylenko, Benicio Del Toro, Jessica Alba and Salma Hayek, a new model for the calendar was precisely Milla. The official premiere of the calendar will take long time - 27 December this year. In the picture you'll see all sorts of variations of end of the world - from tornadoes to the alien invasion.
The manufacturer of one of the most popular on the planet decided beater to beat this topic and attracted to cooperate Milla Jovovich (Milla Jovovich), who starred in more than one film about the impending katatrofe. After Olga Kurylenko, Benicio Del Toro, Jessica Alba and Salma Hayek, a new model for the calendar was precisely Milla. The official premiere of the calendar will take long time - 27 December this year. In the picture you'll see all sorts of variations of end of the world - from tornadoes to the alien invasion.