Photos Milla Jovovich
Shooting between shooting!
At the Paris Fashion Week Milla is good going crazy, dreaming of becoming a man at least for a day. Fantazёrka! :)
On the men's YSL show so cool! # # Kazhetsyayabolna hochuhochuhochu # # zhenschinyvmuzhskoyodezhde without the right
One ant eats another # # gorkayapravda ubiystvennayapriroda
Actress resting in one of the restaurants along with a friend:
# # Azzedinalaya novayakollektsiya # otlichnyybleyzer
Visited the studio of Mr. Alaya bezumnokruto # # classic
I can not sleep. And so it is necessary to wear sunglasses on a cloudy day ...
Flight delay. I wonder how many more wait! ???
One false move and I have heroine comedy "There's Something About Mary." LOL # # konetsdnya bezuderzhnoevesele
A series of self-portraits:
New haircut. Thanks to my fabulous stylist Katsumi Matsuo!
Milla tired late at night. But not anywhere as near the Louvre.
# # Konetsnochi Louvre # bezobuvi
And the beginning of the evening was so ...
By the way, the evening was the charity and Milla, now as a singer, sang some of his songs with a guitar:
"You are very similar to his mother," - said a friend of mine today.
In the Louvre is my favorite Egyptian exhibition!
Milla at a friend's birthday:
# Idealnayavtorayapolovinadnya
Enjoy the peace of Venice ...
# Amfar2013 Chris Brenner and I am in the image of Alice in Wonderland.
Me and my lovely girl Lily Donaldson # party
My favorite boys - Jared Eng and Kenneth Cole.
Twitter Milla Jovovich: twitter.com/MillaJovovich

At the Paris Fashion Week Milla is good going crazy, dreaming of becoming a man at least for a day. Fantazёrka! :)
On the men's YSL show so cool! # # Kazhetsyayabolna hochuhochuhochu # # zhenschinyvmuzhskoyodezhde without the right

One ant eats another # # gorkayapravda ubiystvennayapriroda

Actress resting in one of the restaurants along with a friend:

# # Azzedinalaya novayakollektsiya # otlichnyybleyzer

Visited the studio of Mr. Alaya bezumnokruto # # classic

I can not sleep. And so it is necessary to wear sunglasses on a cloudy day ...

Flight delay. I wonder how many more wait! ???

One false move and I have heroine comedy "There's Something About Mary." LOL # # konetsdnya bezuderzhnoevesele

A series of self-portraits:

New haircut. Thanks to my fabulous stylist Katsumi Matsuo!

Milla tired late at night. But not anywhere as near the Louvre.
# # Konetsnochi Louvre # bezobuvi

And the beginning of the evening was so ...

By the way, the evening was the charity and Milla, now as a singer, sang some of his songs with a guitar:

"You are very similar to his mother," - said a friend of mine today.

In the Louvre is my favorite Egyptian exhibition!

Milla at a friend's birthday:

# Idealnayavtorayapolovinadnya


Enjoy the peace of Venice ...

# Amfar2013 Chris Brenner and I am in the image of Alice in Wonderland.
Me and my lovely girl Lily Donaldson # party
My favorite boys - Jared Eng and Kenneth Cole.
Twitter Milla Jovovich: twitter.com/MillaJovovich