Magic rendering animal sounds
In order not to scare you compound words, reveal the essence of the project. Here visualization animal sounds that creates a computer program developed by a programmer and engineer Mark Fisher (Mark Fischer).
The project is called «Aquasonic Acoustics» and its author is Mark Fisher (Mark Fischer), use the obtained from different animals sound waves to create kaleidoscopic images using mathematics and programming. The concept of Brand much in common with the known you already fractal art. So, look at sounds as though it may sound strange.
White-beaked dolphin.
Blue whale.
Humpback whale.
Northern Cardinal (bird).
Minke whale.
False killer whale.
Spectacled owl.
Risso's dolphin.
Atlantic spotted dolphin.
The project is called «Aquasonic Acoustics» and its author is Mark Fisher (Mark Fischer), use the obtained from different animals sound waves to create kaleidoscopic images using mathematics and programming. The concept of Brand much in common with the known you already fractal art. So, look at sounds as though it may sound strange.
White-beaked dolphin.

Blue whale.

Humpback whale.

Northern Cardinal (bird).

Minke whale.

False killer whale.

Spectacled owl.


Risso's dolphin.

Atlantic spotted dolphin.


Robots that slide, crawl, fly, and even play rock
The Chinese boom Inventors and Inventions: Part One