Little chernushechki
I know exactly in advance, today someone dies, I know where I know how, I'm not a fortune teller, I'm a maniac ...
- Hello! what I got to the morgue? - Not until just phoned ...
The devil has many names: Satan, Lucifer, Mephistopheles, Beelzebub, Monday Morning, Alarm ...
Cemetery at night - this is probably the only place on earth where a drunk man with a bat scared less than a lonely little girl in a white dress with pigtails and bows.
If I tell someone what I think, with me first stop to greet, and then burn me at the stake.
I do not get angry, but then I have no place to hide the bodies ... Yes, I'm kidding, MANY MORE PLACES
In your eyes devils give birth to hang out
Romantic be profitable. Why do you act illogical? I am a romantic. Why do you look like an idiot? I am a romantic. Why do you have a corpse in the basement? I am a romantic.
I like coffins. They can hide those who like to write about the rain and tears.
In fact, I kind, only this one does not know, and those who already knew nobody will tell.
If I smile at you, it does not mean that I'm glad to see you, can I just imagined you smeared on the asphalt compactor
- Hello! what I got to the morgue? - Not until just phoned ...
The devil has many names: Satan, Lucifer, Mephistopheles, Beelzebub, Monday Morning, Alarm ...
Cemetery at night - this is probably the only place on earth where a drunk man with a bat scared less than a lonely little girl in a white dress with pigtails and bows.
If I tell someone what I think, with me first stop to greet, and then burn me at the stake.
I do not get angry, but then I have no place to hide the bodies ... Yes, I'm kidding, MANY MORE PLACES
In your eyes devils give birth to hang out
Romantic be profitable. Why do you act illogical? I am a romantic. Why do you look like an idiot? I am a romantic. Why do you have a corpse in the basement? I am a romantic.
I like coffins. They can hide those who like to write about the rain and tears.
In fact, I kind, only this one does not know, and those who already knew nobody will tell.
If I smile at you, it does not mean that I'm glad to see you, can I just imagined you smeared on the asphalt compactor