The longest model railway from a LEGO
93,072 items LEGO took 43-year-old Henrik Ludvigsen from Roskilde to implement its ideas. The total length of the rails was more than four kilometers, which overcomes the toy train in three hours.
In ordinary life, a man has served as chief technology officer of a large company in Copenhagen, but the children's designer, he calls his main hobby. His personal collection is estimated at nearly 125 thousand dollars.
- One day I decided to do the cleaning in the room in which he lived as a student, and found a toy train set from LEGO. That's when I came up with a crazy idea to collect designer of the world's longest railway. I played with LEGO five years, but had never built anything like this - said Ludvigsen.
Development schemes toy road for the creation of which man fell into the Guinness Book of Records, at Ludvigsen took almost 18 months.
To implement his ideas needed to rent a huge hall and hire 80 workers who took six hours for the assembly of the whole structure.
The total cost of the materials which were needed was more than 50 thousand dollars.

In ordinary life, a man has served as chief technology officer of a large company in Copenhagen, but the children's designer, he calls his main hobby. His personal collection is estimated at nearly 125 thousand dollars.

- One day I decided to do the cleaning in the room in which he lived as a student, and found a toy train set from LEGO. That's when I came up with a crazy idea to collect designer of the world's longest railway. I played with LEGO five years, but had never built anything like this - said Ludvigsen.

Development schemes toy road for the creation of which man fell into the Guinness Book of Records, at Ludvigsen took almost 18 months.
To implement his ideas needed to rent a huge hall and hire 80 workers who took six hours for the assembly of the whole structure.

The total cost of the materials which were needed was more than 50 thousand dollars.