Top 5 business ideas near future
Business idea № 1. The telephone transaction.
Pay for small purchases, for example, a cup of coffee or lunch in a cheap cafe is quite feasible by mobile phone, or specially designed for this machine. Currently, widespread pay for parking services in a similar way. In some countries, the EU can take a toll even restroom, payment of services via SMS.
Unfortunately, the emergence of services of this kind in Russia in the next year - two unlikely. So necessary for the introduction of modern technology contactless readers have not yet received proper distribution in the CIS and Europe. However, quite firmly established in the life of modern people in Japan and Korea.
Business idea № 2. Mobile home.
How much can kill time in traffic, just sitting out their lives? Owners and leading specialists of automobile corporations also do not disregard this issue. They are already working hard to create prototypes of mobile offices and relaxation areas. Moreover, the demand for the domestic auto market model, with a number of features of a mobile office is steadily increasing for more than 15 years.
The "filling" interior can be designed for customers at all levels to do within the comfort zone and the rest can be as easy as the book room, complete with fax machines, telephones and scanners. Most of the supporters of such a configuration just periodically change the outdated technique for many years without changing their traditions and preferences.
Business idea № 3. The collective private property.
Unaffordable for one or two people mortgages, space amount of lease payments and other expenses of this kind simply forced to take or buy housing on the terms of a joint tenancy or ownership. In recent years, the greatest demand in the market are so-called duplexes - the purchase of a house or apartment the two families at the same time.
Current mortgage programs require the issuance of a loan to multiple borrowers. In most cases, a co-borrower must consist of kinship. Some commercial banks, such as Sberbank, allow the issuance of credit to couples living in civil marriage. Some banks can issue a loan, regardless, on kinship, but the interest on such loan will be considerably higher.
Business idea № 4. Products with medicinal properties.
Multifunction products will be available in the foreseeable future. With mineral water you can get rid of a headache, and pasta from durum wheat to help solve the problem of acne. This food is enriched with chemical elements that would be more harmful to the body than food, established on the basis of cleaner production technologies. However, domestic consumers, sensitive to the congenial advertising, leaves manufacturers nothing better than to saving technologies and inserting money into the "right" company for the promotion of products.
One of the most popular groups to replace the drugs become medicated beverages, with which it will be possible to carry out prevention and treatment of certain kinds of diseases.
Business idea № 5. Instant insurance.
Buy an insurance policy in the modern big city, you can almost every corner. A wide range of related services provided by one company is no longer a rarity.
However, given the service sector also has room to grow and improve. One of the most promising areas of insurance in the near future - insurance benefits instantly. Buy the appropriate policy will be together with the ticket for the roller coaster, or just before a parachute jump. Russian companies is not very flatteringly about the services of this kind. However, demand dictates supply, and that's it.