Business in Aramaic. 67 golden rules
Unique business rules, created by ancient sages many years ago, which is surprisingly modern and relevant than ever for businesses of XXI century.
So maybe it is these rules, transmitted genetically from one generation of Jews to another, can create huge financial status?
This is not written in textbooks on marketing, but the vast majority of the world's business elite observe the golden rules that are set out here:
So, here's a list of 67 rules:
1. Let your fellow property you will also expensive as your own.
2. Do not buy stolen goods.
3. do good deeds (not talking about charity, but about the warm, kind words).
4. Do not be lazy to be generous.
5. Do not lie.
6. Give with joy.
7. Serve hundreds of asylum, even if you are not sure what they all need.
8. Do not waste time.
9. Stay away from bad neighborhood. Environment strongly influences. And take care of children from poor environments.
10. Do not say anything if you have nothing to say.
11. restrict their anger towards certain people angry only adverse circumstances.
12. favorably judge all human actions.
13. Do not assign lost someone, be sure to return.
14. Remember that we can improve the world, his life and the lives of their loved ones, just as long as we are alive.
15. Do not offer anything, if you have reason to expect failure (can not invite the person to visit, for example, if you are confident that he will refuse - just for the sake of politeness or desire to seem better). You can not correct the self-deception, if you offend this person, wishful thinking.
16. The highest level of charity - to make sure that the needy are no longer needed (help with work, education, housing).
17. Even a poor man should give alms, there is always someone - that his poorer.
18. Always greet, welcome others.
19. Do not gossip. Do not tell people something bad that they had heard from others about them. "Peace is more important than the truth, except for those cases when the truth is a good reason».
20. Donate to charity about 10 percent of your income.
21. There are two ways of spreading rumors - ethical and unethical. Ethically - only warning that the information has not been verified, and its source is unknown.
22. We can not stand by and be silent when evil is done.
23. Everyone deserves a word of thanks, be it the waiter or porter.
24. He who learns from a friend at least one head, one law, one word, one letter should respect it.
25. Specify the source of the information, citing as an example and using whose - or speech, work, works, quotes.
26. Who is rich - the one who constantly strives for more or whoever pleased with what he has? Everyone has their own answer.
27. Half of the truth - is a whole lie. Do not exaggerate, do not fantasize, do not force their children to lie.
28. Let's interest-bearing debt, but not his countrymen. If countryman can not repay the loan - you can find the money contribution to charity.
29. Do not provoke people to lie.
30. Do not demand perfection from others, you yourself can not achieve. Do not ask the impossible and impracticable other.
31. Do not insult his enemies.
32. Crouching time (for example, late) - a thief, stealing money and how.
33. Think - if you die today, what will be said in your obituary?
34. pay their employees on time.
35. In turn, the employee should not deprive the employer of profit by stealing his time, resources, exaggerating their expenses and so on.
36. Even if you disagree with someone else's point of view, listen to his opponent.
37. Do not say anything you think is more responsible attitude to their utterances.
38. With respect for their employees. If they bring up your children, they should have no worse than your children.
39. In a party and someone - something so be respectful to the owner.
40. Sometimes it is necessary to give more than enough if you really want to give enough.
41. Be aware of the spiritual component and its social significance (all) affairs.
42. It is not enough to feed the hungry.
43. The employer must know how to live his employee.
44. Do not hop off the life and works even in retirement.
45. Do not keep a grudge and do not think about revenge.
46. Be aware of the limits of self-sacrifice. It is not necessary to give, if not, you are not going to survive themselves.
47. The word - not a sparrow. Damage to the reputation and respect to other people you may be irreparably ruined because of one bad word. Keep this in mind.
48. If you can not be objective in a given situation - move away from management. Do not judge this situation in any of the parties.
49. If someone wants to kill you, kill him first.
50. Sometimes it is better to come earlier than the time to show respect and do not make people worry.
51. Love yourself, do not deny yourself in the performance of their desires.
52. Do not be too generous, do not sacrifice more than 20 percent of their income.
53. Do not take yourself elected and shoulders above the rest.
54. With power, be gentle.
55. Do not try to make a good deed for someone else's expense.
56. Learn to ask for help when you really need it.
57. Before defend their interests at the expense of others, think, and whether your blood is redder.
58. Do not swear, your "yes" and "no" should be enough.
59. Do not insult others.
60. Worse steal from many than one (for example, to give light weight on the market)
61. Competition - it's good, but it should not be ruthless (for example, do not try to apply for a position, if your friend has a good chance to get it, and you have a choice in this case).
62. Plan your future.
63. Reward yourself for good work.
64. Put a specific purpose.
65. Refer all of the employees of their affairs (empowerment).
66. Evaluate your actions, think, and if you could make it even better.
67. Strive for a balance between all areas of your life (family, work, leisure, business, friends, and so on).