Harm analginum

Let's talk about the preparation the widest range of application, which is available almost in every home. Etodipiron, known as the Russian residents analginum - Popular antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory agent.
Our regular, usual, like slippers, well-known in the world analginum virtually unknown. But it was not always so. At the time, the medical community has taken over ten years to fully withdraw or to arrange a very serious limitations this deadly drug. Thirty years ago, science has found that taking dipyrone-dipyrone can cause agranulocytosis (loss of a large number of white blood cells as a result of destruction of the bone marrow) and anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction) with a fatal outcome.
The first country where doctors managed to raise the alarm, was the United States. In 1973, the American Medical Association published a report stating that "can not justify the use of dipyrone as an analgesic action in common, means of arthritis or standard antipyretic." In 1977, the drug was withdrawn from the market.
Then came the turn of Europe. In 1986, doctors in Germany have raised Statistics, we analyzed data on mortality and found 94 cases of death occurring after medication containing dipyrone international corporations Hoechst, whose headquarters is in Germany. The cause of death in 46 cases was agranulocytosis, and in 39 cases - anaphylactic shock. State authorities immediately banned the free exercise of all preparatovdipirona, entered vacation prescription and limited indications for the use of severe pain resulting from surgery, trauma or tumor. All preparations dipyrone were seized, and the implementation of the combined assets (baralgan, baralgin and others) has been temporarily suspended until the court decision. In early 1987, the corporation Hoechst, having decided not to quarrel with the authorities of the country where the head office is located, "voluntarily" withdrew all his baralgin to the German market.
By this time, corporation established dipyrone in 1922, was the world's largest producer of the drug. In 1987 alone, two drugs are Bulgaria with dipyrone novalgin baralginprinesli Corporation and Hoechst more than 190 million dollars of profit, which amounted to more than 5% of its global sales of medicines. These two drugs were the leaders of the overall sales of Hoechst in Pakistan. Baralginbyl the sixth best-selling brand-name drugs in India, more than one third of total sales in the Philippines Hoechst, anovalgin was the best known and most widely used analgesic in Bolivia. In addition, many companies produce dipyrone license Hoechst; Only one in South Korea, 33 companies offered 42 branded counterparts drug and Yugoslaviidipiron, if you add up all the analogues, was the second in terms of drug use ... It is clear that such waste was not going to corporate profits. The magnates of the corporation decided to fund international research program - the so-called Boston study.
In 1978, the program began drug department of epidemiology at Boston University. The university has set a goal to collect all data on patients with agranulocytosis and aplastic anemia, which went to the hospital with these conditions, in seven cities with a total population of 22, 3 million people: Barcelona, Ulm, West Berlin, Milan, Budapest, Sofia and Stockholm, and in Israel, Brazil and Indonesia. After the bailouts of Hoechst results of international research have turned completely absurd, and the question of the relationship fatal disease of the bone marrow with dipironomtolko confused. In Barcelona and two German cities, where researchers have started work without funding from the corporation, were received shocking results: the risk of agranulocytosis when ispolzovaniidipirona was 23, 7 times higher than without the use of this medication. But in Israel and Budapest deadly side effect of the drug turned out insignificant - 1, 1 case per million people per week. In Brazil and Indonesia, studies were just ripped off. As a result, corporations Hoechst proclaimed to the whole world that the risk of agranulocytosis vyzyvaemogodipironom been conclusively established as a "very low" and that "the main issue with dipyrone is now removed." Hoechst Marketing Director Hans-Guenther Grigolayt declared that "in view to improve the situation with the risk / benefit of dipyrone, no need to change the legal status of dipyrone to higher limits».
The American medical community, initiated a study described that interpretation as "misleading" and issued a statement in which the right was stated that in view of the real scope of use of the drug through the fault of the corporation an annual event over 7,000 deaths. I do not believe the tycoons and the German drug regulatory authorities - BGA - he also considered the interpretation of the results of the study by the Boston Hoechst unacceptable. At the hearing, held in September 1986, German officials broke the "methodology" tycoons to smithereens. Restrictions have been preserved, and by 1990 dipyrone completely disappeared from the market in Germany.
After this process is the elimination of dipyrone has become irreversible. The first person Hoechst literally darted around the world delivered lectures in medical institutions and universities in the most remote and exotic countries as they could distort the facts rastolkovyvaya their version of the Boston study, but it was too late. Following the United States, Britain and Germany dipyrone banned state agencies of Australia, Norway, Canada, Sweden, Denmark, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Bangladesh, Egypt, Fiji, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Venezuela , Pakistan looming ... one of the most spectacular crashes in the history of pharmacy. But this happiness Hoechst Corporation and its partners, there was a collapse of the Union, and swept all five continents megaton States dipyrone flooded into Russia.
Today analginum-dipyrone represented in our pharmacies, medical and educational institutions, home medicine cabinet more than thirty "twin" (call novaldin, salpirin, baralgin M nebagin, spazdolzin, ronalgin ...). More extensive arsenal of tools combined with dipyrone in the composition (the most popular pentalgin, andipal, baralgin, novalgin, nebalgan, anapirin, benalgin, tempalgin ...). Plus, since the Soviet era continue to produce cheap domestic analginum many Russian producers, since the whole story of the dipyrone passed medical attention, the public and the citizens of the Soviet Union engaged in "restructuring". And in modern times, medical officials engaged fatten pockets, try to completely hide from the public information about the scandal of global proportions. What and succeeded.