Expensive food

Many will wonder presence in this list dumplings - a favorite dish of most Russians. However, Russian dumplings staked out a place in the rankings. most expensive dumplings in the world can be found in the restaurant "Golden Gates" in the Bronx, New York. The main places visitors are Russian immigrants. A feature of courses is that they contain not only the tender veal, pork and salmon, and the fish-iron or a torch Curtius Flame Fish, who lives at great depths. With this addition of dumplings emit an unusual blue-green light, which, however, does not prevent them to be edible and delicious. Portion of the eight dumplings worth $ 2,400 at the restaurant, and from 16 - 4400.
Everyone has long known the taste and useful qualities of the products. But the most expensive in the world's macadamia nuts is considered. Once upon a time in Australian Aborigines this was the main course, but today it is considered rare, besides useful sophistication. Currently, all grown two kinds of nuts. The rarity of the product attached to the fact that the tree bears fruit macadamia though a hundred years old, in need of special care. Therefore, there are difficulties in the cultivation of walnut and its prey - a year as a result produces more than 40 tons of it. As a result, in those countries where this nut grows, the price for 1 kilogram more than $ 30. Course and dishes with nuts are very valuable and expensive.
It is recognized as the most expensive spice. Saffron is essentially stamens plants from the family krokusovyh. This spice is prepared by hand - first carefully collected and then dried. To get a kilo of saffron is necessary to collect nearly half the stamens. Not surprisingly, the price of a kilogram of saffron this comes to six thousand dollars.
White Truffle.
The exact price of this delicacy simply does not exist, because each mushroom is sold at auction. Record the value of the fungus was more than 30 thousand euros.
Dark chocolate.
For lovers of exotic sweets can offer Chocopologie by Knipschildt - the most expensive chocolate in the world. Homeland of this dark chocolate is America, and the tiles in 453 grams of a sweet tooth will cost in 2600 dollars.
Availability of this product in the list may seem ridiculous, but this dish and can be expensive. The most expensive potato varieties in the world "La Bonnotte" costs around 500 euros per kilo. It grows on the island Nurmuate root, collect a treat of course manually. A distinctive feature of the dish is extremely delicate flavor of potatoes.
The most expensive meat in the world is Japanese marbled beef cows Vagiu. Pets are surrounded by special care and attention. Every day they are given beer and sake and to feed only the best go grass. For a long time the Japanese to prevent the export of cows for breeding elsewhere, but today the animals are bred in Australia. But it led to a rise in price of meat, because the Australians in the care of these cows have gone further. So, wanting to taste the taste of marbled beef, cook purse. Over 200 grams of fillet in Europe will have to pay more than $ 100, and the most tender pieces of reach in their cost up to $ 1,000.
For those who like to eat on the run made the most expensive burger in the world. His full name - "Platinum Club Sandwich von Essen" (von Essen Platinum Club Sandwich). Meet this dish can be exclusively in the hotel chain "Von Essen." It should be a sandwich "only" $ 200, and it includes a special sourdough bread on, Iberian ham, white truffles, quail eggs, dried Italian tomatoes and Bresse fowl.
The most expensive pizza in the world offers this dish at home - in Italy. It is called "Luis XIII", and the value it reaches 8,300 euros. This pizza will certainly show cooking, and it is composed of buffalo mozzarella, red lobster, three kinds of caviar, lobster and shrimp. In a dish cookery is not used or even sea salt - is the Australian Pink "Murray River".
Lovers of exotic omelet is the place to try it in a New York hotel "Le Parker Meridien". This is where you can order the most expensive omelet in the world, the cost of one thousand dollars. Naturally present in its composition, not only eggs, there are lobsters and whole. Serving on a bed of fried potatoes, and its decoration is a scattering of Sevruga caviar.
The most expensive salad in the world is known as "Florette Sea & Earth". Its you cook at the Oxford Hotel "Le Manoir aux Quat Saisons". Cost per serving "Florettskih sea and land" is 800 euros, and a convoy with 50 grams of selective white beluga caviar, Cornish crab, lobster, lobster, florettsky young lettuce, a little olive oil, red pepper, grated truffles, potatoes and asparagus. The dish is decorated with gold foil.
It is usually assumed that the most expensive caviar - a gray or black. However, this is not true, the most expensive caviar in the world considered to spawn "Almas" beluga-albino. Export is a treat from Iran is extremely difficult, it is packed in a gold jar, and is a masterpiece of art, not just culinary. One hundred grams of a delicacy worth two thousand dollars.
The most expensive coffee in the world - "Kopi Luwak" - made from grains is not some unique varieties, but rather a unique way of life. "Kopi" in Indonesian means "coffee" and "Luwak" - a small, small predator, loving to eat ripe fruit of the coffee tree, choosing the best. Coffee, he eats a lot more than it can digest. Undigested grains passing through the gut of the animal, its enzymes are exposed to and how to swear lovers "Kopi Luwak", gets a unique flavor and aroma. A kilo of coffee, which helped to be born Luwak, costs from 300 to 400 dollars.
World's most expensive tea is called Dahunpao, which translated means "Big Red Robe". He refers to the Oolong (strong fermented teas, having an intense flavor and aroma). Get the "Big Red Robe" from a sheet just six shrubs growing near the monastery Tianxing. The age of these unique bushes - 350 years. Each year, collected no more than 500 grams of the legendary tea, the cost of the finished product reached 685,000 dollars per kilogram. In 2006, the year the entire crop deposited with the China National Tea Museum, a further fee moratorium was declared. However, with the 80-ies mother bushes began to be propagated vegetatively. The resulting tea with them is also called the "Big red robe", but experts believe that it does not go to any comparison with the present Dahunpao.