Rockers for word answer

Worked on a small candle factory (dream Father Fyodor) wonderful friendly staff. And the only sadness was the working people - could not they combine their musical preferences during working hours. Do not think something bad - tastes were quite kosher. Probation workers could be divided into fans of jazz, classical and inveterate rockers (sometimes collected and more intricate team) .Poetomu that no one was hurt, terry svecheroby listened to pop music as an alternative.
And during the execution of some very sweet girl stuff Jack suddenly reached out plaintively: "Oh. Here they put now well even Ozzy. Mama, I'm Coming Home. I would nalyso postriglas »
In a friendly team of such things aloud to say it is impossible. Immediately on the pop station sends an SMS with a plaintive request to put languishing in melancholy girl said composition great and terrible Osborne. And to continue sharing all have listened with genuine interest. And now, when it internally all accept that message banned as unformatted leading suddenly announces their order. On the remark that, although it is not their repertoire, but painfully accompanying text like.
Composition itself, no one listened. The working process was interrupted for almost an hour. The next day, a fan of the shock-rocker went to work with the wind hair. Tomboy said - tomboy said. Language for something nobody pulled.