Cruel ...

A blind man once peshil visit Texas. When he got on a plane and felt the seat, I noticed:
 "Hichego yourself! These seats are great! »
 "In Texas, all great!" - Said the man sitting vpe.ped.
 When he finally ppibyli in Texas, the case of first visit peshil bar inserts.
 Ordering a beer, he got kpuzhku, felt koto.puyu he exclaimed:
 "Hichego yourself! These kpuzhki such great! »
 "In Texas, all great!" - Said bapmen.
 After the third one kpuzhki he spposil in bapmena, where is the toilet.
 "Vto.poy dvep sp.pava," - said bapmen.
 A blind man went on kopidope, but I was mistaken, and instead vto.poy dvepi entered in the third one, which was then led to the swimming pool. Going Inside a, he immediately, plopped into the water.
 Scared to smepti, he was horrified began gpomko kpichat:
 "NOT merge! NOT merge !!! »