- Guys, I myself bought a mobile telefonchik!
Rate: zero cents - inbound, zero cents - outgoing!
- It does not happen. Must be some disadvantages.
- There are no cons!
- Well, then, a great phone.
- No, the usual handset. Let's write down the number.
89047462705720034468295756490002226758361644715. Recorded?
This is the code. Now the phone ...
Have Russian tradition of the New Year to invite home drunk Costumed man with a beard ...
- Girl, that Beeline?
- They have now a small technical failure.
- Of course, I understand that you are not one of them have a relationship, but I can reprimand?
- I hear you.
- I'm in a fucked from Moscow (!!!), my car broke down (!!!), I can not get through to anyone (!!!). The only thing I connect with someone - it's you! All. Thank you.
- We are glad to help.
What distinguishes our Santa Claus to their Santa?
They are always sober and alone, and we always drunk and with some whore.
The first to become extinct mammoths,
It is them, mammoths, sorry,
When you remember about mammoths
The soul blooms sadness.
Mammoths hairy
They wander in the wilds of Siberia
Their shaggy mamontyata
Searched sprouts marijuana.
Guru is ready to attach neofitku with full lips to the Source of Power!
Force is transmitted by close contact in the astral form of the protein protoplasm (3-10 ml.).
Do not Herbalife.
Rate: zero cents - inbound, zero cents - outgoing!
- It does not happen. Must be some disadvantages.
- There are no cons!
- Well, then, a great phone.
- No, the usual handset. Let's write down the number.
89047462705720034468295756490002226758361644715. Recorded?
This is the code. Now the phone ...
Have Russian tradition of the New Year to invite home drunk Costumed man with a beard ...
- Girl, that Beeline?
- They have now a small technical failure.
- Of course, I understand that you are not one of them have a relationship, but I can reprimand?
- I hear you.
- I'm in a fucked from Moscow (!!!), my car broke down (!!!), I can not get through to anyone (!!!). The only thing I connect with someone - it's you! All. Thank you.
- We are glad to help.
What distinguishes our Santa Claus to their Santa?
They are always sober and alone, and we always drunk and with some whore.
The first to become extinct mammoths,
It is them, mammoths, sorry,
When you remember about mammoths
The soul blooms sadness.
Mammoths hairy
They wander in the wilds of Siberia
Their shaggy mamontyata
Searched sprouts marijuana.
Guru is ready to attach neofitku with full lips to the Source of Power!
Force is transmitted by close contact in the astral form of the protein protoplasm (3-10 ml.).
Do not Herbalife.