Offers tips to American tourists traveling to France
Offers tips to American tourists traveling to France were
prepared on the basis danyh provided by the US State Department,
The CIA, the Department of Commerce, Center for Disease Control and
some very expensive spy satellites which the French do not even know. Tips produced exclusively for US citizens and do not give any guarantees.
France - is a medium-sized foreign country situated on
continent called Europe. France - an important member of the world community,
but even not nearly so important as they think. It is bordered by
Germany, Spain, Switzerland and several other smaller countries do not
relevant from the point of view of the significance or they are even shopping.
This is a very old country with a rich heritage. Just like the Louvre and
Euro Disney. Among their contributions to the treasury of Western civilization sleduetnazvat champagne, Camembert cheese and gilyotinu.
Although the French consider themselves prestavitelyami modern nation,
air conditioners there is rarely used, and regale
Mexican food there is almost impossible.
One of the constant annoying facts for Americans visiting the country is the reluctance of the French to speak English
which many of them knew and expressed it quite well if
they yell. As in any other European country - carefully
Check delivery for purchases.
The population of France is about 54 million people, most of
who consume alcohol, smoking, drives cars like crazy,
sverhseksualny to risk and have no concept of how patiently
stand in the queue. The French, in general, it is gloomy, temperamental,
proud, arrogant, aloof and nedistsiplinnirovannye people. And theirs is a positive quality.
Most French people - Catholics, although it's hard to accept if
consider how they behave. Among them there are many Communists and
sunbathers naked in public. Men sometimes wear
names such as Mary, and they love to kiss each other when awarding
medals and orders. Travelers are advised to wear the Americans
beysbolnye caps and brightly colored pants for rapid mutual
In general, France country peaceful and quiet. While we would like to remind
future tourists that from time to time it okupiruet Germany. By
Traditionally, the French usually just give up and it does not affect
supply in the country of Scotch or difficulties with the news
beysbolnyh recent matches. Life for tourists almost unchanged. In
Recently opened an underwater tunnel between France and
Britain, which will greatly facilitate the evacuation of government
France was inaugurated by Charles Magne in the Middle Ages. Other important
historical figures is Louis 14, Huguenots, Jeanne d'Arc, Jacques Cousteau, Charles
de Gaulle who for many years was president and now is the airport.
The French government democratic, but too noisy.
Elections are held more or less regularly and always end
by-election. From an administrative purpose, the country is divided into regions,
departments, the districts, municipalities, cantons, towns, villages, cafes,
kiosks and floor tiles. The parliament consists of two chambers - the upper and
Lower (konfyuzno it, because they are both located on the ground floor). Members
Parliament - and it gallisty or Communists to believe any of them
it is impossible. The main task of the Parliament has for many years
It is the establishment of a nuclear bomb in the South Pacific and
Active outrage if someone protests about this.
According to the latest US State Department intelligence, the current
the president is someone named Jacques. More detailed information is
The French are very proud of their culture, although AEs clear why.
All ihnii songs sound the same, and ihnii movies if you want
see it solely for reasons of porn. And there is nothing more
dull than FRENCH novela (except maybe the evening
held in the French family ... ha! ha! ha!)
Let's be honest: - No matter how much garlic you can not put a snail,
It is a snail. Krossanty, on the other hand, very tasty, although
for most Americans the word is unpronounceable. In general, tourists
recommended priderzhivatsya cheeseburgers in hotels such as, for example,
Sheraton or Golidey Inn.
French economy is quite developed and is ranked second in Europe
after Germany. What is surprising, in principle, ie. A. The people there are almost no
work. If they do not talk three to four hours during lunch, they or
Strike or blokiryut roads with their tractors and harvesters. The main
export expansion in France are (in order of importance they are even for the economy of this
country): wine, nuclear weapons, perfume, homing missiles, champagne,
large-caliber weapons, field mines, tanks, fighter planes, every
Misc essno and cheese.
In France, over the weekend than in any other country in the world. Among
361st output - 197 different Saints Days, 37 Days National
Liberation Announcements 16 Days of 54 Day Triumphant
Returns De Gaulle, 18 Days Links Napoleon, 17 days return
Napoleon from exile, 112 days France Great - Rest of the World is Rubbish.
Among other important events should be mentioned the National Nuclear Day
Bombs (12 January), the Day of Fasting Brigitte Bardot (March 1), and the National
Gilyotiny Day (12 November).
France has a rich history, wonderful landscape and temperate climate. Very
succinctly - it would be a wonderful country if it had not been inhabited
French. Thank God that it is not Germany.
Warning: The Consular Service of the US government is engaged
only the support and development of the interests of American
companies such as McDonald's, Pizza Ghat and Coca-Cola.
If you find yourself a victim of crime or injury
(minimum - the loss of a limb) you can contact the American
Embassy from 5:15 am to 5:20 am on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Representative
embassies, which are deeply spit on your problems, give you a list
dentists or something like that. Remember - no one ordered you to
to go abroad! We personally spend our vacation in Miami and advise you
to do the same.
Thank you and good luck.
prepared on the basis danyh provided by the US State Department,
The CIA, the Department of Commerce, Center for Disease Control and
some very expensive spy satellites which the French do not even know. Tips produced exclusively for US citizens and do not give any guarantees.
France - is a medium-sized foreign country situated on
continent called Europe. France - an important member of the world community,
but even not nearly so important as they think. It is bordered by
Germany, Spain, Switzerland and several other smaller countries do not
relevant from the point of view of the significance or they are even shopping.
This is a very old country with a rich heritage. Just like the Louvre and
Euro Disney. Among their contributions to the treasury of Western civilization sleduetnazvat champagne, Camembert cheese and gilyotinu.
Although the French consider themselves prestavitelyami modern nation,
air conditioners there is rarely used, and regale
Mexican food there is almost impossible.
One of the constant annoying facts for Americans visiting the country is the reluctance of the French to speak English
which many of them knew and expressed it quite well if
they yell. As in any other European country - carefully
Check delivery for purchases.
The population of France is about 54 million people, most of
who consume alcohol, smoking, drives cars like crazy,
sverhseksualny to risk and have no concept of how patiently
stand in the queue. The French, in general, it is gloomy, temperamental,
proud, arrogant, aloof and nedistsiplinnirovannye people. And theirs is a positive quality.
Most French people - Catholics, although it's hard to accept if
consider how they behave. Among them there are many Communists and
sunbathers naked in public. Men sometimes wear
names such as Mary, and they love to kiss each other when awarding
medals and orders. Travelers are advised to wear the Americans
beysbolnye caps and brightly colored pants for rapid mutual
In general, France country peaceful and quiet. While we would like to remind
future tourists that from time to time it okupiruet Germany. By
Traditionally, the French usually just give up and it does not affect
supply in the country of Scotch or difficulties with the news
beysbolnyh recent matches. Life for tourists almost unchanged. In
Recently opened an underwater tunnel between France and
Britain, which will greatly facilitate the evacuation of government
France was inaugurated by Charles Magne in the Middle Ages. Other important
historical figures is Louis 14, Huguenots, Jeanne d'Arc, Jacques Cousteau, Charles
de Gaulle who for many years was president and now is the airport.
The French government democratic, but too noisy.
Elections are held more or less regularly and always end
by-election. From an administrative purpose, the country is divided into regions,
departments, the districts, municipalities, cantons, towns, villages, cafes,
kiosks and floor tiles. The parliament consists of two chambers - the upper and
Lower (konfyuzno it, because they are both located on the ground floor). Members
Parliament - and it gallisty or Communists to believe any of them
it is impossible. The main task of the Parliament has for many years
It is the establishment of a nuclear bomb in the South Pacific and
Active outrage if someone protests about this.
According to the latest US State Department intelligence, the current
the president is someone named Jacques. More detailed information is
The French are very proud of their culture, although AEs clear why.
All ihnii songs sound the same, and ihnii movies if you want
see it solely for reasons of porn. And there is nothing more
dull than FRENCH novela (except maybe the evening
held in the French family ... ha! ha! ha!)
Let's be honest: - No matter how much garlic you can not put a snail,
It is a snail. Krossanty, on the other hand, very tasty, although
for most Americans the word is unpronounceable. In general, tourists
recommended priderzhivatsya cheeseburgers in hotels such as, for example,
Sheraton or Golidey Inn.
French economy is quite developed and is ranked second in Europe
after Germany. What is surprising, in principle, ie. A. The people there are almost no
work. If they do not talk three to four hours during lunch, they or
Strike or blokiryut roads with their tractors and harvesters. The main
export expansion in France are (in order of importance they are even for the economy of this
country): wine, nuclear weapons, perfume, homing missiles, champagne,
large-caliber weapons, field mines, tanks, fighter planes, every
Misc essno and cheese.
In France, over the weekend than in any other country in the world. Among
361st output - 197 different Saints Days, 37 Days National
Liberation Announcements 16 Days of 54 Day Triumphant
Returns De Gaulle, 18 Days Links Napoleon, 17 days return
Napoleon from exile, 112 days France Great - Rest of the World is Rubbish.
Among other important events should be mentioned the National Nuclear Day
Bombs (12 January), the Day of Fasting Brigitte Bardot (March 1), and the National
Gilyotiny Day (12 November).
France has a rich history, wonderful landscape and temperate climate. Very
succinctly - it would be a wonderful country if it had not been inhabited
French. Thank God that it is not Germany.
Warning: The Consular Service of the US government is engaged
only the support and development of the interests of American
companies such as McDonald's, Pizza Ghat and Coca-Cola.
If you find yourself a victim of crime or injury
(minimum - the loss of a limb) you can contact the American
Embassy from 5:15 am to 5:20 am on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Representative
embassies, which are deeply spit on your problems, give you a list
dentists or something like that. Remember - no one ordered you to
to go abroad! We personally spend our vacation in Miami and advise you
to do the same.
Thank you and good luck.