About suslyatinu
History is absolutely real, happened to my good friend.
Is it something to do with work and examines the stalls, stalls near the metro station "Timiryazevskaya", where all sorts of things edible sell.
It means looking at one counter where they sell smoked: shank, ribs, sausages, meat tartare, etc.
And then he sees in the depths of small pieces of sirloin, and next to them a sign "SUSLYATINA GK."
I must say that in relation to food it is very advanced pretzel, tasted and sobachatiny and lyagushatinu and krokodilyatinu.
But here suslyatiny, but still smoked, did not have to try. Seized him.
He approached the counter (it stands for healthy babischa years and 45) and that way naturally says:
"Give me suslyatinki, please 300-400 grams, per sample».
In response babischa up at our gourmet hard look, her face is quickly poured crimson color and she hissed through clenched teeth grimly:
"SUSLYATINA GK - I mean ...
Is it something to do with work and examines the stalls, stalls near the metro station "Timiryazevskaya", where all sorts of things edible sell.
It means looking at one counter where they sell smoked: shank, ribs, sausages, meat tartare, etc.
And then he sees in the depths of small pieces of sirloin, and next to them a sign "SUSLYATINA GK."
I must say that in relation to food it is very advanced pretzel, tasted and sobachatiny and lyagushatinu and krokodilyatinu.
But here suslyatiny, but still smoked, did not have to try. Seized him.
He approached the counter (it stands for healthy babischa years and 45) and that way naturally says:
"Give me suslyatinki, please 300-400 grams, per sample».
In response babischa up at our gourmet hard look, her face is quickly poured crimson color and she hissed through clenched teeth grimly:
"SUSLYATINA GK - I mean ...