Case stories
Sitting in front narik Open kanalizatsionnym lyukom.
He sees comes grandpa, hatch upor notices. Well narik obkurenny, dobry:
- Santa ... this ... Uo-o-opa ...
Popal in syphilitic odnu camera narkomanom. Sitting on the bunk, suddenly nego otvalivaetsya uho. Syphilitic podnimaet uho and throws in okno. Narkoman sitting, staring at the wall osutstvuyuschim vzglyadom. In syphilitic otvalivaetsya vtoroe uho. He podnimaet ego and throws in okno. Narkoman sitting, staring at the wall osutstvuyuschim vzglyadom. In syphilitic otvalivaetsya nos. Nos by Netscape behind the ears.
Narkoman not look otryvaya From wall govorit:
- No, brother, in kind, I torchu like you dumped ...
Sit on ostanovke of Prokopevska two narkomana.
Stoned green venikov do.
Podhodit tram. First narkoman podnimaet golovu:
- Oh, b & $ I, tram goes ...
- Oh, bl% ^ & I, such as x ^ & $ nya.! ..
Trolleybus. Hark protyagivaet grandmother ticket and Rough # govorit "probey!».
grandmother, "and volshebnoe slovo?».
Narco with second podumav "Kryble Krafla bums!".
Narkoman rides on the tram. Granny prosit ego prokompostirovat talonchik.
Narkoman takes talonchik and obraschaetsya to stoyaschemu ryadom voennomu:
- Hey, soldat, probey talonchik!
Tot popravlyaet:
- I do not soldat I matros!
Narkoman povorachivaetsya a granny and her otdaet talonchik:
- Oblomis, grandmother ... Talon did not nado - we parohode!
Prihodit obdolbanny narik in tatuirovochnuyu studio to takomu obdolbannomu same master:
H: «Bro, you're a tank on his back mozhesh nakolot? "
M: "... Lёgko Lozhis ..."
Afterwards the progress, after 2 minutes:
M: "Get up, gotovo. "
H: "Che, in nature, in two minutes you nakolol tank?!?! "
M: "A Th there kolot, illumination are four letters ..."
He sees comes grandpa, hatch upor notices. Well narik obkurenny, dobry:
- Santa ... this ... Uo-o-opa ...
Popal in syphilitic odnu camera narkomanom. Sitting on the bunk, suddenly nego otvalivaetsya uho. Syphilitic podnimaet uho and throws in okno. Narkoman sitting, staring at the wall osutstvuyuschim vzglyadom. In syphilitic otvalivaetsya vtoroe uho. He podnimaet ego and throws in okno. Narkoman sitting, staring at the wall osutstvuyuschim vzglyadom. In syphilitic otvalivaetsya nos. Nos by Netscape behind the ears.
Narkoman not look otryvaya From wall govorit:
- No, brother, in kind, I torchu like you dumped ...
Sit on ostanovke of Prokopevska two narkomana.
Stoned green venikov do.
Podhodit tram. First narkoman podnimaet golovu:
- Oh, b & $ I, tram goes ...
- Oh, bl% ^ & I, such as x ^ & $ nya.! ..
Trolleybus. Hark protyagivaet grandmother ticket and Rough # govorit "probey!».
grandmother, "and volshebnoe slovo?».
Narco with second podumav "Kryble Krafla bums!".
Narkoman rides on the tram. Granny prosit ego prokompostirovat talonchik.
Narkoman takes talonchik and obraschaetsya to stoyaschemu ryadom voennomu:
- Hey, soldat, probey talonchik!
Tot popravlyaet:
- I do not soldat I matros!
Narkoman povorachivaetsya a granny and her otdaet talonchik:
- Oblomis, grandmother ... Talon did not nado - we parohode!
Prihodit obdolbanny narik in tatuirovochnuyu studio to takomu obdolbannomu same master:
H: «Bro, you're a tank on his back mozhesh nakolot? "
M: "... Lёgko Lozhis ..."
Afterwards the progress, after 2 minutes:
M: "Get up, gotovo. "
H: "Che, in nature, in two minutes you nakolol tank?!?! "
M: "A Th there kolot, illumination are four letters ..."