Work and earn money

FXTEAM company is able to earn the foreign exchange market FOREX over the Internet without leaving home. Most traders earn from $ 10,000 per month.
If your home or office with a computer and the Internet, suggest that you try your hand at FOREX.
To do this you need to go to our website, install a program of the trading terminal and try your hand.
Opening a demo account allows you to:
- Examine the technical and fundamental analysis of the market
- Work process transactions and order management
- Test the chosen trading strategy without any financial risk
For a demo account
1. Download and install MetaTrader trading platform.
2. After installation on your PC MetaTrader log in Tools, Options, Open a demo account Next fill in the form, click Register, and you will receive your login and password.
3. To become familiar with the program, you can read the user's guide.
- Brief description of Foreh
- Open a demo account
- Investment Management
- The branch of the company in your town
- Economic Calendar
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