30 tips to budding entrepreneurs from the Chinese billionaire Jack Ma
"Today will be hard tomorrow will be worse, but the next day everything will be fine," You are tired of work "Uncle"? Do you dream of owning your own business and financial independence, but not his thoughts will be going? To your attention - 30 vital truths from Jack Ma, a Chinese billionaire, one of the most successful entrepreneurs of our time. Jack knows what he is talking about. 15 years ago he was just a Chinese teacher, and now Ma is known as the creator of the Internet giant «Alibaba Group», whose fortune is estimated at about $ 29, 7 billion. In 2013, the magazine «The Financial Times» called Jack (real name - Ma Yun) "Person of the Year", it is often cited as an example of the entrepreneurial spirit of the Chinese. So, a word to Ma.
1. Look for opportunities povsyuduV looking for new opportunities do not be shortsighted - try to cover the whole landscape view of the professional and financial activities. An overall picture, not too lazy to search every corner of the landscape - the potential can lurk anywhere.
2. Treat any variantyDlya you should not be too insignificant or unworthy of opportunities - use every chance. Seeing space for activity, make every effort to make it successful. Remember - towards a big goal consists of trifles.
3. Work osmyslennoStaraytes clearly understand their current situation and something that you aspire to. Ask yourself - is something you need to work? Why do you want to achieve the goal? What you need to do to get it right?
4. Proceed without promedleniyaChtoby succeed, sometimes you need to win the race. This does not mean you have to run all the time, at breakneck speed - sometimes in order to gain time enough to choose the direction in which you act. Let your strategy will be flexible - so you can adjust their actions, given the failure.
5. Do not focus on obstoyatelstvahNevazhno, what family you were born and where grown, what kind of education received and how much experience you have - you will be able to succeed in their chosen field of activity despite any circumstances. The main thing - not where you started, and by whom, and your stamina, endurance and spirit of a winner.
6. Aim your ambitions at the right rusloVasha activities should guide your ambitions. Focus on your goals and go for it, without turning out of the way.
7. Be smelymKogda Jack Ma started work on the Internet holding company «Alibaba Group», potential investors are warned him about the possible loss of the project. The businessman took a chance and did not lose - now the company is considered one of the most successful in the world, its market capitalization is more than $ 230 billion. The pursuit of their own ambitions - the perfect time for bravery!
8. Your youth - your chance "If you are 35 and you still do not get rich, then you have wasted your youth," - says Ma. Use the energy and imagination of youth in achieving their goals.
9. Assemble your team, combining its total tselyuPo believe Ma, you can not succeed if all that unites your team - it's you. Need associates related object, the idea of a mission. If every employee will not work for you, and for a common goal, you will be able to use the potential of their colleagues to the maximum.
10. Prepare yourself zamenuPonizhayte dependence of his team to you - encourage your subordinates the skills that you have, teach them what you know yourself. Over time, you will be able to shift a significant part of their duties for the team, and later all fully trust them to do the management and other projects.
11. Work with those whose skills above vashihEsli you always have to give the experts advise, then you have hired the wrong people. In his field officer should be much more skilled you. - Your task is to hire really good professionals, to provide them with all facilities for work and not to interfere.
12. Be strong-willed, courageous and far-sighted rukovoditelemStoykost, courage and the ability to think several steps ahead - what separates the good from the mediocre chief. The leader must be able to see opportunities where others see only risks and challenges. When the team is ready to surrender and retreat leader must show the will to find a clue to solve the problem and make the others continue to move toward the goal - the only way to achieve truly outstanding results.
13. Perseverance - the key to uspehuNa toward the goal your team will have to face a lot of obstacles. Sometimes they occur in the beginning of the movement to the target and then it is very important not to lose heart. Let the purpose of the work will be a beacon for you and your employees - with it you can break through any storm and achieve the desired.
14. What are your views more important sposobnosteyBud that difficult time or favorable - the head must always remain calm, confident and purposeful. Located at the foot of the mountain and not seeing the top, easy to panic and turn back. However, you can take a look at the top with the height from which you want the goal depends on your point of view.
15. Make decisions using common smyslomUspeshny head is not always the genius who is smarter than your employees. For a leader it is important to gain a good team of professionals, which is not ashamed to ask for advice when making any decision. Qualified staff will help you calculate the impact of each step and choose the most fruitful strategy. It is better to carefully study all the nuances, than hastily concoct a grand "Napoleon" plan and burn.
16. Do not mix business and politikuKapital - a barrel of gunpowder, and the policy - a lighted match. If you try to reconcile one with the other, the consequences are fairly predictable. Developing your business, do not meddle in politics, if you leaped into political ambitions, forget about business. The sequence - the key to success.
17. Resistance appears only after overcoming difficulties "intellectual" understanding of resistance and readiness to it does not mean anything - it can be developed only overcoming obstacles. Just test yourself, the head can be considered as persistent and efficient.
18. You need to work harder and more closely than drugieFormula success is simple - hard, be careful and do not lose sight of his goal. These principles are working, whatever you are doing.
19. Adhere to fair competition pravilEsli you treat competitors as enemies, be prepared for the fact that the enemy will soon announce you and you find yourself surrounded. Learn how to compete fairly and openly.
20. Respect your konkurentovOtnosites with competing companies with the same respect as one's own business. In a fair fight at all an equal chance. Your competitors are also human and can make mistakes, too, but do not underestimate them - the ones you have not noticed, you can get ahead.
21. Competitors behave on ravnyhKak you, your competitors are also to start somewhere, so if you lead a young but promising company, when dealing with larger competitors hold with dignity. Each of you - the peer market.
22. Winners do not plachutKonechno, all failure, which can cause irritation and depression, but the constant complaints and despondency - a sure sign of defeat. No matter is not without problems and difficulties, so that instead of complaining about bad luck, direct all their efforts to meet the challenges and achieve success.
23. First of all - klientyKak have any manager, your energy and time are limited, so prioritize. In the first place for you should always be customers, the second number are your colleagues, and only after the interests of the first and the second takes into account, pay attention to shareholders. Many entrepreneurs prefer to take care mainly for the benefit of shareholders - experience shows that business with a similar distribution of resources often not effective.
24. Do not put the money in the top of uglaVy start their business, not only because of the money, but because you want to satisfy your mental and emotional needs, lifestyle changes. Moving towards the goal, try to be guided primarily by their ambitions, not profit. Greed makes the turn from the right path, do not fall for it. Be highly motivated and the money will come.
25. Work with those who ustraivaetPri hiring, pay attention not only to his qualifications. Professionalism and excellent specialist does not mean that you are going to work with him. For example, taking on the job, a nice qualified deputy, after a while you realize that simply do not trust him and therefore can not build an effective labor relations. In addition, thick and solid resume does not tell you whether its owner is ready to continue professional growth and develop together with your company. Take the work of those with whom you are comfortable and can do them the right to educate their experts to you.
26. "Free" - a very expensive slovoNe promotions carried away with the free distribution of its products and services, discreetly share information with competitors. Giving something for free, you are depriving your company profits, throwing into the air the money spent on the development and implementation of their ideas and perhaps, give competitors their intellectual property. Typically, such altruism is not cheap at all costs.
27. Think with your head ... It does not matter what you say - it is important that is born in your head. Think, draw conclusions and make decisions based on their own perspective.
28. ... and listen to your serdtseDoveryayte your intuition - deciding "on a whim", say in the selection of personnel and setting strategic goals, you will surely be surprised his insight.
29. Take time to work, do not forget to enjoy zhiznyuPomnite - your life is not only the "Work, work and work again, and then premature death from a heart attack on the job." Take time to relax your body and soul - spend time with family and friends, practice your favorite hobby, traveling. Having spent his entire life on the job, you'll be sorry, but it's too late.
30. There is nothing worse than giving up ambitsiyBrosaya unfinished business, you not only admit defeat - you abandon yourself. You never know what can, if you do not learn in whatever was to follow his dream. Change your strategy, adjust their targets, if necessary, but never give up.
via factroom.ru

1. Look for opportunities povsyuduV looking for new opportunities do not be shortsighted - try to cover the whole landscape view of the professional and financial activities. An overall picture, not too lazy to search every corner of the landscape - the potential can lurk anywhere.
2. Treat any variantyDlya you should not be too insignificant or unworthy of opportunities - use every chance. Seeing space for activity, make every effort to make it successful. Remember - towards a big goal consists of trifles.
3. Work osmyslennoStaraytes clearly understand their current situation and something that you aspire to. Ask yourself - is something you need to work? Why do you want to achieve the goal? What you need to do to get it right?
4. Proceed without promedleniyaChtoby succeed, sometimes you need to win the race. This does not mean you have to run all the time, at breakneck speed - sometimes in order to gain time enough to choose the direction in which you act. Let your strategy will be flexible - so you can adjust their actions, given the failure.
5. Do not focus on obstoyatelstvahNevazhno, what family you were born and where grown, what kind of education received and how much experience you have - you will be able to succeed in their chosen field of activity despite any circumstances. The main thing - not where you started, and by whom, and your stamina, endurance and spirit of a winner.
6. Aim your ambitions at the right rusloVasha activities should guide your ambitions. Focus on your goals and go for it, without turning out of the way.
7. Be smelymKogda Jack Ma started work on the Internet holding company «Alibaba Group», potential investors are warned him about the possible loss of the project. The businessman took a chance and did not lose - now the company is considered one of the most successful in the world, its market capitalization is more than $ 230 billion. The pursuit of their own ambitions - the perfect time for bravery!
8. Your youth - your chance "If you are 35 and you still do not get rich, then you have wasted your youth," - says Ma. Use the energy and imagination of youth in achieving their goals.
9. Assemble your team, combining its total tselyuPo believe Ma, you can not succeed if all that unites your team - it's you. Need associates related object, the idea of a mission. If every employee will not work for you, and for a common goal, you will be able to use the potential of their colleagues to the maximum.

10. Prepare yourself zamenuPonizhayte dependence of his team to you - encourage your subordinates the skills that you have, teach them what you know yourself. Over time, you will be able to shift a significant part of their duties for the team, and later all fully trust them to do the management and other projects.
11. Work with those whose skills above vashihEsli you always have to give the experts advise, then you have hired the wrong people. In his field officer should be much more skilled you. - Your task is to hire really good professionals, to provide them with all facilities for work and not to interfere.
12. Be strong-willed, courageous and far-sighted rukovoditelemStoykost, courage and the ability to think several steps ahead - what separates the good from the mediocre chief. The leader must be able to see opportunities where others see only risks and challenges. When the team is ready to surrender and retreat leader must show the will to find a clue to solve the problem and make the others continue to move toward the goal - the only way to achieve truly outstanding results.
13. Perseverance - the key to uspehuNa toward the goal your team will have to face a lot of obstacles. Sometimes they occur in the beginning of the movement to the target and then it is very important not to lose heart. Let the purpose of the work will be a beacon for you and your employees - with it you can break through any storm and achieve the desired.
14. What are your views more important sposobnosteyBud that difficult time or favorable - the head must always remain calm, confident and purposeful. Located at the foot of the mountain and not seeing the top, easy to panic and turn back. However, you can take a look at the top with the height from which you want the goal depends on your point of view.
15. Make decisions using common smyslomUspeshny head is not always the genius who is smarter than your employees. For a leader it is important to gain a good team of professionals, which is not ashamed to ask for advice when making any decision. Qualified staff will help you calculate the impact of each step and choose the most fruitful strategy. It is better to carefully study all the nuances, than hastily concoct a grand "Napoleon" plan and burn.
16. Do not mix business and politikuKapital - a barrel of gunpowder, and the policy - a lighted match. If you try to reconcile one with the other, the consequences are fairly predictable. Developing your business, do not meddle in politics, if you leaped into political ambitions, forget about business. The sequence - the key to success.
17. Resistance appears only after overcoming difficulties "intellectual" understanding of resistance and readiness to it does not mean anything - it can be developed only overcoming obstacles. Just test yourself, the head can be considered as persistent and efficient.
18. You need to work harder and more closely than drugieFormula success is simple - hard, be careful and do not lose sight of his goal. These principles are working, whatever you are doing.
19. Adhere to fair competition pravilEsli you treat competitors as enemies, be prepared for the fact that the enemy will soon announce you and you find yourself surrounded. Learn how to compete fairly and openly.
20. Respect your konkurentovOtnosites with competing companies with the same respect as one's own business. In a fair fight at all an equal chance. Your competitors are also human and can make mistakes, too, but do not underestimate them - the ones you have not noticed, you can get ahead.

21. Competitors behave on ravnyhKak you, your competitors are also to start somewhere, so if you lead a young but promising company, when dealing with larger competitors hold with dignity. Each of you - the peer market.
22. Winners do not plachutKonechno, all failure, which can cause irritation and depression, but the constant complaints and despondency - a sure sign of defeat. No matter is not without problems and difficulties, so that instead of complaining about bad luck, direct all their efforts to meet the challenges and achieve success.
23. First of all - klientyKak have any manager, your energy and time are limited, so prioritize. In the first place for you should always be customers, the second number are your colleagues, and only after the interests of the first and the second takes into account, pay attention to shareholders. Many entrepreneurs prefer to take care mainly for the benefit of shareholders - experience shows that business with a similar distribution of resources often not effective.
24. Do not put the money in the top of uglaVy start their business, not only because of the money, but because you want to satisfy your mental and emotional needs, lifestyle changes. Moving towards the goal, try to be guided primarily by their ambitions, not profit. Greed makes the turn from the right path, do not fall for it. Be highly motivated and the money will come.
25. Work with those who ustraivaetPri hiring, pay attention not only to his qualifications. Professionalism and excellent specialist does not mean that you are going to work with him. For example, taking on the job, a nice qualified deputy, after a while you realize that simply do not trust him and therefore can not build an effective labor relations. In addition, thick and solid resume does not tell you whether its owner is ready to continue professional growth and develop together with your company. Take the work of those with whom you are comfortable and can do them the right to educate their experts to you.
26. "Free" - a very expensive slovoNe promotions carried away with the free distribution of its products and services, discreetly share information with competitors. Giving something for free, you are depriving your company profits, throwing into the air the money spent on the development and implementation of their ideas and perhaps, give competitors their intellectual property. Typically, such altruism is not cheap at all costs.
27. Think with your head ... It does not matter what you say - it is important that is born in your head. Think, draw conclusions and make decisions based on their own perspective.
28. ... and listen to your serdtseDoveryayte your intuition - deciding "on a whim", say in the selection of personnel and setting strategic goals, you will surely be surprised his insight.
29. Take time to work, do not forget to enjoy zhiznyuPomnite - your life is not only the "Work, work and work again, and then premature death from a heart attack on the job." Take time to relax your body and soul - spend time with family and friends, practice your favorite hobby, traveling. Having spent his entire life on the job, you'll be sorry, but it's too late.
30. There is nothing worse than giving up ambitsiyBrosaya unfinished business, you not only admit defeat - you abandon yourself. You never know what can, if you do not learn in whatever was to follow his dream. Change your strategy, adjust their targets, if necessary, but never give up.
via factroom.ru
Stop trying to be 'good' and like all
The guy who takes himself just sitting with a smile on his face