A few stories of personal medical experience
In the days of the student body after the 3rd year medical school, we had an evening nursing practice, which was reflected in the clinic visit and mastering in practice the basics of nursing: injections, thermometers, and of course an enema, which will be discussed.
My friend and I were taught this uncomplicated case at pretty young sisters that being glad to escape this evening at hard labor (enema almost all offices - it was in proctology), we did not control much.
When enema, i.e. one chip, if the tip abuts the intestinal wall, the water flow will not, and it is necessary only to shift a little to the side.
The enema comes another poor fellow is very rustic village look and laid on a bed with jokes like "Well, I'm not galuby - chago lads here do." We respond to it, thank God that it has come here today, not the first, and no one else in this savage way not defiled, so it can relax and enjoy the process.
For his trouble in the enema breaks our classmate Marinochka (zubrilka, nerdy round and an excellent student, a freshman from sycophantic reasons it is chalk wrapped in paper to the teacher not to stain). So, then it comes entaya Marinochka and strongly removes us from the procedure with words like "now show how this is done in science."
No problem - go ahead, and we are behind the wall seagull popem in nursing and retired.
Five minutes later Marinochka flies with the words: & quot; with a tube that is not so - the water is not flowing, where another take? & quot;
We have to explain to her that the tube is tested, but need a little tip to move and everything will flow. Marinochka proudly uparhnula time and we forgot about it.
Twenty minutes later we go in and watch enema:
Marinochka sleeves rolled without respite and stops with obvious effort, stress and a poor peasant tip speed dryuchit hurl - man, red as a lobster and occasionally moaning quietly sobs, buried in the wall. Curtain.
Because of recent events. Everyone knows the old bearded anecdote, but I remind you: There cometh a woman gynecologist, had the phone rings and it explains how to get to the library, "right, left, left again, straight up around the school ....", hung up the phone sees the act of hands its that pleads it "once around the school."
So this anecdote we hunted with the sisters at the next duty when we receive patients. I look around it and as always (as usual) please be patient because it will be a little frustrating to get that all-time response: "Why is not nice - very nice ...." Anyone who has been in the observation in one voice: "More times around the school, "and fell one where he stood.
It was not me, but a colleague. There is ultrasound performed vaginal probe. The next patient, again routinely asked to push the lip (sex) in order to enter the sensor. What Grandma without thinking puts his fingers in his mouth and wide stretches showing all his tonsils. Curtain.
History passed down from generation to generation in the same clinic. Duty, of course, comes gynecological patients, accompanied by a drunk, become itself a gentleman and a friend with her partner. All that should be done and then the girlfriend demands that it put in a ward with a patient. It is reasonable to respond, saying that there is no evidence.
Passes unspecified time before leaving girlfriend decides to go to the toilet, where the falls - and there would be a head Weird, but it is the most a place, but on the brush. Sutured and now with a clear conscience is admitted to the ward to her friend.
Sent Jerusalem artichoke
My friend and I were taught this uncomplicated case at pretty young sisters that being glad to escape this evening at hard labor (enema almost all offices - it was in proctology), we did not control much.
When enema, i.e. one chip, if the tip abuts the intestinal wall, the water flow will not, and it is necessary only to shift a little to the side.
The enema comes another poor fellow is very rustic village look and laid on a bed with jokes like "Well, I'm not galuby - chago lads here do." We respond to it, thank God that it has come here today, not the first, and no one else in this savage way not defiled, so it can relax and enjoy the process.
For his trouble in the enema breaks our classmate Marinochka (zubrilka, nerdy round and an excellent student, a freshman from sycophantic reasons it is chalk wrapped in paper to the teacher not to stain). So, then it comes entaya Marinochka and strongly removes us from the procedure with words like "now show how this is done in science."
No problem - go ahead, and we are behind the wall seagull popem in nursing and retired.
Five minutes later Marinochka flies with the words: & quot; with a tube that is not so - the water is not flowing, where another take? & quot;
We have to explain to her that the tube is tested, but need a little tip to move and everything will flow. Marinochka proudly uparhnula time and we forgot about it.
Twenty minutes later we go in and watch enema:
Marinochka sleeves rolled without respite and stops with obvious effort, stress and a poor peasant tip speed dryuchit hurl - man, red as a lobster and occasionally moaning quietly sobs, buried in the wall. Curtain.
Because of recent events. Everyone knows the old bearded anecdote, but I remind you: There cometh a woman gynecologist, had the phone rings and it explains how to get to the library, "right, left, left again, straight up around the school ....", hung up the phone sees the act of hands its that pleads it "once around the school."
So this anecdote we hunted with the sisters at the next duty when we receive patients. I look around it and as always (as usual) please be patient because it will be a little frustrating to get that all-time response: "Why is not nice - very nice ...." Anyone who has been in the observation in one voice: "More times around the school, "and fell one where he stood.
It was not me, but a colleague. There is ultrasound performed vaginal probe. The next patient, again routinely asked to push the lip (sex) in order to enter the sensor. What Grandma without thinking puts his fingers in his mouth and wide stretches showing all his tonsils. Curtain.
History passed down from generation to generation in the same clinic. Duty, of course, comes gynecological patients, accompanied by a drunk, become itself a gentleman and a friend with her partner. All that should be done and then the girlfriend demands that it put in a ward with a patient. It is reasonable to respond, saying that there is no evidence.
Passes unspecified time before leaving girlfriend decides to go to the toilet, where the falls - and there would be a head Weird, but it is the most a place, but on the brush. Sutured and now with a clear conscience is admitted to the ward to her friend.
Sent Jerusalem artichoke