Baby for life (10 photos)
Girl name Kenadie Jourdin Bromley - she is 4 years. Her diagnosis - congenital dvarfizm. Most likely, it will no longer grow. Dwarfism (nanismus; Gr. Nanos, dwarf; synonym - dvarfizm, dwarfism, nanosomes, microsomia) - paologicheskoe condition characterized by abnormally short stature (below 130 cm in men and less than 120 cm in women). Dwarfism - manifestation and one of the symptoms of genetic disorders of growth and growth disorders in a number of endocrine and not endocrine diseases. But for parents it is still the most favorite child.

Women's Soccer World Cup in China (7 photos)
Security prison in the city of Pelican Bay Crescent, California (12 photos)