Test. Test your brain
Answer out loud, and then check your answer (below).
1. Q: What do you put in a toaster?
Answer. BREAD. If you put something else, beware!
If you said "bread", go to the 2nd of the issue.
2. Question. Say the word "far" 5 times.
Call him by letter: e-a-l-e-a-oh. What do cows drink?
Answer: Cows drink water. If you said "milk," please do not attempt to answer the following question.
Your brain is obviously overworked and may even overheat.
Maybe you should relax and read a magazine "Funny pictures».
If you said "water", proceed to the next question.
3. Question. If a red house is made of red bricks and a blue house is made of blue bricks.
Pink house is made from pink bricks and a black house is made of black bricks.
What made green house?
A: The green house is made of glass.
If you answered, "From the green bricks," a devil you are still reading these questions?
If you said "glass", go to the 4th issue.
4. Question. Twenty years ago, the aircraft was flying at an altitude of 10 km over Germany.
If you remember, 20 years ago, Germany was politically divided into two parts - West and East.
And so, during the flight of two engines refused.
The pilot, feeling that the last engine also is about to stall, decided on an emergency landing.
Unfortunately, before the engine stalled and the plane fell on neutral territory between West Germany and East.
Where would you bury the survivors? In West Germany, or Eastern, or on neutral territory?
Answer. Of course, do not bury survivors!
If you said something else, you - a real dunce and you must never take part in rescue operations after the crash.
If you answered, "Do not bury the survivors" then proceed to the next question.
5. Question. If the arrow moves to the 1/60 of a degree every minute, how many degrees it will move for an hour?
Answer: On the one degree. If you said "360," or something else other than answer "One degree».
Turn off your computer and go to go do something else.
1. Q: What do you put in a toaster?
Answer. BREAD. If you put something else, beware!
If you said "bread", go to the 2nd of the issue.
2. Question. Say the word "far" 5 times.
Call him by letter: e-a-l-e-a-oh. What do cows drink?
Answer: Cows drink water. If you said "milk," please do not attempt to answer the following question.
Your brain is obviously overworked and may even overheat.
Maybe you should relax and read a magazine "Funny pictures».
If you said "water", proceed to the next question.
3. Question. If a red house is made of red bricks and a blue house is made of blue bricks.
Pink house is made from pink bricks and a black house is made of black bricks.
What made green house?
A: The green house is made of glass.
If you answered, "From the green bricks," a devil you are still reading these questions?
If you said "glass", go to the 4th issue.
4. Question. Twenty years ago, the aircraft was flying at an altitude of 10 km over Germany.
If you remember, 20 years ago, Germany was politically divided into two parts - West and East.
And so, during the flight of two engines refused.
The pilot, feeling that the last engine also is about to stall, decided on an emergency landing.
Unfortunately, before the engine stalled and the plane fell on neutral territory between West Germany and East.
Where would you bury the survivors? In West Germany, or Eastern, or on neutral territory?
Answer. Of course, do not bury survivors!
If you said something else, you - a real dunce and you must never take part in rescue operations after the crash.
If you answered, "Do not bury the survivors" then proceed to the next question.
5. Question. If the arrow moves to the 1/60 of a degree every minute, how many degrees it will move for an hour?
Answer: On the one degree. If you said "360," or something else other than answer "One degree».
Turn off your computer and go to go do something else.