Daylight saving time is harmful to health
The current system of calculating time, as scientists believe, leads to disruption of vital and genetically mediated rhythm wakefulness - sleep. Application Mode "Maternity years' time leading to the violent awakening of Russians within 9 months of the year (at the beginning of the 8 hours) or for 7 months (at the beginning of work at 9 o'clock). Particularly harmful effect it has on the children who have a 30% -50% of the morning sleep falls on the healthiest its phase - "rapid" sleep, which adversely affects the formation of the nervous system and brain development, according to "Medical Newspaper". < br />
According to the materials of a number of foreign and domestic research, the application of the regime "summer" time leads to increased morbidity, increased the number of accidents, injuries increase production, increase uptake of medical care in connection with the aggravation of chronic diseases, increased suicide attempts, etc. According to studies conducted in the US, after the "shift" the number of deaths from accidents increased by 6 per cent., With injuries disability - by 7%. A loss from accidents caused by drowsy drivers cost the treasury 37, 9 billion dollars. (In the United States during the spring and summer period differs from the waist only an hour instead of 2 as we have.)
Domestic data indicate that we have a seasonal time conversion adversely affects human health. For example, during the first 5 days after the 11% increase in the number of ambulance calls to patients with hypertension, and myocardial infarction. The number of suicide attempts in the same period increased by more than 60%. Evidence: the artificial change of timekeeping - an additional factor negatively affecting the reserves of the body and undermines people's health.
Doctors of the Interregional Association "Siberian Agreement" have investigated the effects of shifting the arrows in the spring of nineteen subjects - in the Krasnoyarsk and Altai territories, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Tomsk and Omsk regions, the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda". It turned out that in the first five days after the "transfer clock" calls "Ambulance" increased by 12%, suicides grow by 66%, die of heart attacks by 75% more. Approximately one-third increase in the number of accidents. Only towards the end of the third week after the shift arrows hour earlier figures are returned to the original. In addition, manipulation of the arrow to increase overall mortality by 74 thousand people a year, which is twice more than the number of deaths in car accidents.
In Japan, where the highest life expectancy, do not translate the clock. Many countries are shifting the arrows on just one hour - are Germany, USA, United Kingdom, Sweden. Only nine states on the globe live in disharmony with nature for two hours, and Russia among them.
Because of shifts arrows falls and productivity. During the day there are two man burst performance - from 10 to 12 and from 16 to 18 pm local solar time. This is confirmed by studies of Institute of Occupational Medicine of Medical Sciences.
Scientists from St. Petersburg Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology named Ott also proved that due to the current system of calculating time falling birth rate. All because of - waking up before sunrise, when the body's natural nap. Men in a state not to perform reproductive functions.