Bezrukov will appear in the continuation of "Brigade"

One of the main producers of the project Alexander Inshakov confirmed that there will be a continuation of the famous series, and has already begun work on it.
On the continuation of which became a cult series "Brigada" talked a long time and a lot, but now these rumors gain realized. One of the main producers of the project, head of the Association of stuntmen Russia Alexander Inshakov confirmed the seriousness of purpose.
"Yes, indeed, it has come to pass! - Said Alexander. - Together with a group of like-minded people, we have already started working on the sequel to "Brigade".
Who will be the director of the film is unknown, writes "Moskovsky Komsomolets." In addition, the director "Brigade" Alexei Sidorov has repeatedly said he does not want to return to this subject.
"Director, we are looking for - says Inshakov. - Of course, we would like to shoot Lesha. But, unfortunately, all this year busy with another project. And we expect the same this year to start shooting. I can say that in the film there will be a completely new characters played by new actors & quot ;.
Who starred in the new film, the creators of the project have not been told.
"Well, some of the first" team "is exactly the audience sees. But so far no names and details, "- just said Alexander Inshakov
One of the lead actors in the "team" Sergei Bezrukov once uttered on this subject. "If Sasha White and will act in a new film, it should appear in some completely new quality - says the actor. - To me, this character in the former as uninteresting. I have already said and I repeat once again that the continuation show up only if it is directed to take Sidorov ».
Careful assessments of its appearance in "Brigade-2" and Andrei Panin. "While I was not offered anything - he confessed the actor. - When the offer, then there will be a substantive discussion, agree or not ».
A source