Platoon asses ...
Defence Ministry threw in Botlikh garrison, which was built only four years ago for 14 billion rub.Foto + text here //svpressa.ru/.Vy would like to live in places where the air is crystal-clear? Where to stare directly into the window of snow covered mountain peaks, and in mature gardens the best in Russia, peaches and apricots? Near football field, a bowling alley and an indoor swimming pool with heated water. Newbies school, kindergarten, cafes, an excellent asphalt road, twelve 36-apartment buildings, laundry, bakery, boiler room, sauna, gym, cultural and recreational center for 550 people, the hotel - everything is there for happiness in a fabulous location. Even helipad available. Total - 300 capital, a brand-new, buildings. Only people almost gone. Because there are those paradise in the Dagestani village of Botlikh. And, until recently, were erected in great haste military town as hastily formed by four military districts 33th separate motorized rifle brigade of the mountain.
No, the team is not defeated in battle and taken prisoner after the environment. Just on the orders of the General Staff had just been relocated hundreds of miles away from these places - in Maikop (Adygea). Directive signed by those same generals who recently, in 2007, decided, for the safety of Russian 33th Brigade should stand it in Botlikh. At the junction of the borders with Georgia and Azerbaijan insidious. What seemed logical. Besides Chechnya next door. Now, therefore, the General Staff changed their minds and decided to fend off military threats to the mountain and the arrows can out of Maikop.
What will happen now with the military brigade of the town, costing the Russian budget in the huge amount - 14 billion rubles? And nobody knows. Ordered to transfer the balance of the local authorities. What will make this village administration unexpectedly fallen down riches? And that's what he wants, even if it does.
But first, a little history. Note on the formation of the North Caucasus mountain two specialized units in 2004 gave the Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. The lessons of the two Chechen wars were still fresh, so the logic of that decision did not require comment. Generals long thought: one, 33 separate brigade, let rise in Botlikh (252 kilometers to the south-west of Makhachkala). Another 34th mountain - in the village Zelenchukskaya in Karachay-Cherkessia (75 kilometers from Cherkessk).
In Karachayevo-Cherkessia, everything went smoothly. And in case immediately Botlikh is not specified. The reason is that suitable for gardens and pasture land in these mountains clamped edges - nothing at all. Every scrap of divided among the locals. A military garrison for the new required neither more nor less - 60 hectares. This - at first. Then - even for the helipad. It turned out that almost all the feed Botlikh district famous peach and apricot orchards - a bulldozer bucket.
Botlihtsy reared. In the fall of 2004, the Council Jamaat village of Botlikh, a general meeting of the residents of the district center, and members of the extraordinary session of the Botlikh village meeting, decided to "the impossibility of allocation of land for the construction of the military camp of the scarcity of land." Began spontaneous protests. November 5 the same year, about 200 young villagers dispersed builders and destroyed everything that they had build. Local police did not intervene.
October 21 in Botlikh disturbed rushed chairman of Dagestan's government, which is written in the local newspaper, "explained the assembled villagers need to build a military camp is in the Botlikh district for reasons of strategic importance for the state." And then he signed a decree "On the seizure of 60 hectares of land with / x destination, under the jurisdiction of the municipality" village council "Botlikh" and transfer them to the land of the RF Defense Ministry providing for permanent (unlimited) use ».
In 2006, the village administration appealed to the European Court of Human Rights against the Russian government. The applicant requested the return of all the land, and if you can not - monetary compensation in the amount of 3 750 million rubles.
It was all in vain. High considerations of national security took precedence, and the authorities of Dagestan had to allocate how much lands asked the General Staff. Construction in full swing, as the order reads: 33rd Brigade should be formed and begin service no later than two years. A battalion of military engineers, a lot of local contractors worked day and night under the encouragement: "Come on, come on! Construction on the control of Putin and the president himself! ".
However, residents of regions of the country held downright bundle of carrots. Firstly, the large monetary compensation, on average, 158, 5 thousand rubles per one hundred square meters. Second, while a military town in the mountains began to build a 130-kilometer paved road. Thirdly, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin personally arrived in 2008 in Botlikh to see how business goes, brought with him the leadership of "Gazprom" and RAO UES. Ordered shocked scale construction immediately conduct here, and natural gas transmission line. Not to haul construction materials on mountain slopes, we earned specially built near the village of three concrete plants, was established on the site of the construction of permanent buildings in a monolithic form, using permanent EPS formwork. In addition, the appearance of the garrison promised botlihtsam new, good paid jobs in the service staff. And they come to terms with the loss of gardens and pastures.
Football field
Similarly, as scheduled in the mountains on an empty place was built: sheds for equipment - 42; kubrikovogo barracks type 300 contract servicemen each - 6; 36 apartment buildings for officers and warrant officers - 12; dormitories for 90 people each - 2; clinic, a dining room for 800 seats, sauna for 72 places, a school for 110 pupils and a kindergarten for 60 children, as well as the officer's cafes, gyms, indoor and outdoor football pitches, swimming pool with heated water, cultural and recreational center, a boiler room, a bakery , tea, headquarters and communications center, a building for the Federal Security Service and Prosecutor's Office, Education Building, roads, water lines, power lines, tunnel. There is even a runway, kennel town.
In 2007, it started picking teams. The battalions and other units came from Moscow, Siberia, Volga-Urals and North Caucasus Military District. October 1st brigade at full strength was concentrated in the Botlikh received weapons, military equipment and other material resources. Not cheap, by the way. "Today, this industrial complex - the best there is in the world" - confidently reported at that time Chief of Logistics of the Armed Forces General of the Army Vladimir Isakov. According to him, a complete set of equipment of every latter-day Russian rangers cost the defense budget by almost 140 thousand rubles. But what you will not regret for the sake of peace Fatherland?
We bought two mountain brigades to 150 pack animals, donkeys and mules - to carry weapons and ammunition. Later, however, the other smart people in uniform to find out what horses of local breeds will povynoslivey. Donkeys mules povygonyali acquired horses.
Worse was to another: where to get prepared for war in the mountains of the people? Several dozen officers were sent for training with special training center in France. We agreed with the Swiss that they will teach our snipers shooting in the mountains. Drew climbing Federation of Sports of Russia. Some people managed to prepare the way.
As a result, in August 2008 it was carried out a unique company tactical exercises in the area of Mount Elbrus. Roth Highland Fusiliers, equipped standard weapons, climbed to the summits of 5621 and 5642 meters above sea level. In the attic held shooting from standard weapons, as well as from funds assigned to 82-mm mortars, heavy machine guns and anti-tank weapons.
All this, of course, impressive. But the company - not the whole team. A preparation of at least one set that in Botlih, great difficulties have arisen. First of all, the Army suddenly realized that adapted to train rangers are not near the landfill. Division brigade had begun to ride in the Vedeno district of Chechnya and Ossetia Daryal. But it is far and expensive.
Is this sufficient explanation for why it took to relocate the 33rd Brigade in Adygea and the turn it is, in fact, a conventional motorized? Unknown. Ministry of Defense and the General Staff as the water in your mouth typed. Although it was not bad to tell taxpayers who and how to respond to put into our common spray 14 billion rubles? 14 billion - a lot or a little? For comparison - the whole Russian culture for the next year are planned total allocation of 34 billion.
Trying to get to the truth, "SP" sought out the officer who had recently served in the 33th separate brigade of mountain. His name is Roman Smirnov, a former editor's newspaper team. Now in stock, it works in Moscow.
- None of the officers of the brigade, with whom I keep in touch, too, no one explained anything. Ordered to quickly assemble and - forward, to Maikop. I do not rule out that the location for the town from the very beginning has been chosen very unsuccessfully. Brigade planted in the saddle, around the mountain. With all of them - at a glance. We are not just fixed that with peaks watching us through binoculars. Who and why - is unknown. But if something happens to the surrounding mountains to shoot the garrison was not working. As the only road block. Maybe that's why all this happened?
During the comment "Free Press" asked the head of the administration Botlikh district Magomed Pathulaevu:
"SP": - You can even guess why decided to withdraw the mountain riflemen from your area?
- Not just me - no one knows. For all these years - no conflict with them. Probably - big politics.
"SP": - And the commander of the brigade on the subject did not say when saying goodbye?
- He never said goodbye. At 5 am I sat down with his soldiers in the car and drove away.
"SP": - When you have to take on its balance sheet a military town team?
- I have no idea. Resolution of the Russian Government in this regard, signed by Putin saw. However, the exact timing is not there. The military is also silent. Although they promised before the September make it perfectly clear.
"SP": - You were talking with the military on this issue?
- Keep talking. I ask, show me what you want to convey to us and on what terms? Do not answer. According to rumors, will give the school, a kindergarten, a number of other buildings.
"SP": - A warehouses, barracks, garages for military equipment? They will at least for anything needed?
- That we do not need. You know, one thing to take the building and engineering services to the balance of the area. Other - they contain. In the district budget money is not mortgaged.
"SP": - Then, go out, a military town just rastaschat?
- Most likely.
"SP": - And what the locals say about the withdrawal of troops?
- The population is against it. When the team was here, we feel safe. It was very important that people have not forgotten the invasion bands Basayev and Khattab in our district. After the departure of team confidence that this will not happen again, no more. In addition, about 400 botlihtsev worked in a military town. Today, they are out of work. Collective letter in this regard was sent to residents of the Minister of Defense Serdyukov.
"SP": - Response received?
- No.
... They say that the Minister of Defense Serdyukov can very well be considered. Say, for that it and appreciate Putin. According to Botlikh, we can assume one of two things: either the bookkeeper of Serdyukov's still bad, or 14 billion for it - no money, so the arithmetic error.
All this ...
No, the team is not defeated in battle and taken prisoner after the environment. Just on the orders of the General Staff had just been relocated hundreds of miles away from these places - in Maikop (Adygea). Directive signed by those same generals who recently, in 2007, decided, for the safety of Russian 33th Brigade should stand it in Botlikh. At the junction of the borders with Georgia and Azerbaijan insidious. What seemed logical. Besides Chechnya next door. Now, therefore, the General Staff changed their minds and decided to fend off military threats to the mountain and the arrows can out of Maikop.
What will happen now with the military brigade of the town, costing the Russian budget in the huge amount - 14 billion rubles? And nobody knows. Ordered to transfer the balance of the local authorities. What will make this village administration unexpectedly fallen down riches? And that's what he wants, even if it does.

But first, a little history. Note on the formation of the North Caucasus mountain two specialized units in 2004 gave the Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. The lessons of the two Chechen wars were still fresh, so the logic of that decision did not require comment. Generals long thought: one, 33 separate brigade, let rise in Botlikh (252 kilometers to the south-west of Makhachkala). Another 34th mountain - in the village Zelenchukskaya in Karachay-Cherkessia (75 kilometers from Cherkessk).
In Karachayevo-Cherkessia, everything went smoothly. And in case immediately Botlikh is not specified. The reason is that suitable for gardens and pasture land in these mountains clamped edges - nothing at all. Every scrap of divided among the locals. A military garrison for the new required neither more nor less - 60 hectares. This - at first. Then - even for the helipad. It turned out that almost all the feed Botlikh district famous peach and apricot orchards - a bulldozer bucket.
Botlihtsy reared. In the fall of 2004, the Council Jamaat village of Botlikh, a general meeting of the residents of the district center, and members of the extraordinary session of the Botlikh village meeting, decided to "the impossibility of allocation of land for the construction of the military camp of the scarcity of land." Began spontaneous protests. November 5 the same year, about 200 young villagers dispersed builders and destroyed everything that they had build. Local police did not intervene.
October 21 in Botlikh disturbed rushed chairman of Dagestan's government, which is written in the local newspaper, "explained the assembled villagers need to build a military camp is in the Botlikh district for reasons of strategic importance for the state." And then he signed a decree "On the seizure of 60 hectares of land with / x destination, under the jurisdiction of the municipality" village council "Botlikh" and transfer them to the land of the RF Defense Ministry providing for permanent (unlimited) use ».
In 2006, the village administration appealed to the European Court of Human Rights against the Russian government. The applicant requested the return of all the land, and if you can not - monetary compensation in the amount of 3 750 million rubles.
It was all in vain. High considerations of national security took precedence, and the authorities of Dagestan had to allocate how much lands asked the General Staff. Construction in full swing, as the order reads: 33rd Brigade should be formed and begin service no later than two years. A battalion of military engineers, a lot of local contractors worked day and night under the encouragement: "Come on, come on! Construction on the control of Putin and the president himself! ".

However, residents of regions of the country held downright bundle of carrots. Firstly, the large monetary compensation, on average, 158, 5 thousand rubles per one hundred square meters. Second, while a military town in the mountains began to build a 130-kilometer paved road. Thirdly, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin personally arrived in 2008 in Botlikh to see how business goes, brought with him the leadership of "Gazprom" and RAO UES. Ordered shocked scale construction immediately conduct here, and natural gas transmission line. Not to haul construction materials on mountain slopes, we earned specially built near the village of three concrete plants, was established on the site of the construction of permanent buildings in a monolithic form, using permanent EPS formwork. In addition, the appearance of the garrison promised botlihtsam new, good paid jobs in the service staff. And they come to terms with the loss of gardens and pastures.
Football field
Similarly, as scheduled in the mountains on an empty place was built: sheds for equipment - 42; kubrikovogo barracks type 300 contract servicemen each - 6; 36 apartment buildings for officers and warrant officers - 12; dormitories for 90 people each - 2; clinic, a dining room for 800 seats, sauna for 72 places, a school for 110 pupils and a kindergarten for 60 children, as well as the officer's cafes, gyms, indoor and outdoor football pitches, swimming pool with heated water, cultural and recreational center, a boiler room, a bakery , tea, headquarters and communications center, a building for the Federal Security Service and Prosecutor's Office, Education Building, roads, water lines, power lines, tunnel. There is even a runway, kennel town.

In 2007, it started picking teams. The battalions and other units came from Moscow, Siberia, Volga-Urals and North Caucasus Military District. October 1st brigade at full strength was concentrated in the Botlikh received weapons, military equipment and other material resources. Not cheap, by the way. "Today, this industrial complex - the best there is in the world" - confidently reported at that time Chief of Logistics of the Armed Forces General of the Army Vladimir Isakov. According to him, a complete set of equipment of every latter-day Russian rangers cost the defense budget by almost 140 thousand rubles. But what you will not regret for the sake of peace Fatherland?
We bought two mountain brigades to 150 pack animals, donkeys and mules - to carry weapons and ammunition. Later, however, the other smart people in uniform to find out what horses of local breeds will povynoslivey. Donkeys mules povygonyali acquired horses.

Worse was to another: where to get prepared for war in the mountains of the people? Several dozen officers were sent for training with special training center in France. We agreed with the Swiss that they will teach our snipers shooting in the mountains. Drew climbing Federation of Sports of Russia. Some people managed to prepare the way.
As a result, in August 2008 it was carried out a unique company tactical exercises in the area of Mount Elbrus. Roth Highland Fusiliers, equipped standard weapons, climbed to the summits of 5621 and 5642 meters above sea level. In the attic held shooting from standard weapons, as well as from funds assigned to 82-mm mortars, heavy machine guns and anti-tank weapons.
All this, of course, impressive. But the company - not the whole team. A preparation of at least one set that in Botlih, great difficulties have arisen. First of all, the Army suddenly realized that adapted to train rangers are not near the landfill. Division brigade had begun to ride in the Vedeno district of Chechnya and Ossetia Daryal. But it is far and expensive.
Is this sufficient explanation for why it took to relocate the 33rd Brigade in Adygea and the turn it is, in fact, a conventional motorized? Unknown. Ministry of Defense and the General Staff as the water in your mouth typed. Although it was not bad to tell taxpayers who and how to respond to put into our common spray 14 billion rubles? 14 billion - a lot or a little? For comparison - the whole Russian culture for the next year are planned total allocation of 34 billion.

Trying to get to the truth, "SP" sought out the officer who had recently served in the 33th separate brigade of mountain. His name is Roman Smirnov, a former editor's newspaper team. Now in stock, it works in Moscow.
- None of the officers of the brigade, with whom I keep in touch, too, no one explained anything. Ordered to quickly assemble and - forward, to Maikop. I do not rule out that the location for the town from the very beginning has been chosen very unsuccessfully. Brigade planted in the saddle, around the mountain. With all of them - at a glance. We are not just fixed that with peaks watching us through binoculars. Who and why - is unknown. But if something happens to the surrounding mountains to shoot the garrison was not working. As the only road block. Maybe that's why all this happened?
During the comment "Free Press" asked the head of the administration Botlikh district Magomed Pathulaevu:
"SP": - You can even guess why decided to withdraw the mountain riflemen from your area?
- Not just me - no one knows. For all these years - no conflict with them. Probably - big politics.
"SP": - And the commander of the brigade on the subject did not say when saying goodbye?
- He never said goodbye. At 5 am I sat down with his soldiers in the car and drove away.
"SP": - When you have to take on its balance sheet a military town team?
- I have no idea. Resolution of the Russian Government in this regard, signed by Putin saw. However, the exact timing is not there. The military is also silent. Although they promised before the September make it perfectly clear.

"SP": - You were talking with the military on this issue?
- Keep talking. I ask, show me what you want to convey to us and on what terms? Do not answer. According to rumors, will give the school, a kindergarten, a number of other buildings.
"SP": - A warehouses, barracks, garages for military equipment? They will at least for anything needed?
- That we do not need. You know, one thing to take the building and engineering services to the balance of the area. Other - they contain. In the district budget money is not mortgaged.
"SP": - Then, go out, a military town just rastaschat?
- Most likely.
"SP": - And what the locals say about the withdrawal of troops?
- The population is against it. When the team was here, we feel safe. It was very important that people have not forgotten the invasion bands Basayev and Khattab in our district. After the departure of team confidence that this will not happen again, no more. In addition, about 400 botlihtsev worked in a military town. Today, they are out of work. Collective letter in this regard was sent to residents of the Minister of Defense Serdyukov.
"SP": - Response received?
- No.
... They say that the Minister of Defense Serdyukov can very well be considered. Say, for that it and appreciate Putin. According to Botlikh, we can assume one of two things: either the bookkeeper of Serdyukov's still bad, or 14 billion for it - no money, so the arithmetic error.
All this ...
