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Yesterday, the "Komsomolskaya Pravda Petersburg" published an amusing article, which was soon removed from the site.

Article from the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda Petersburg", Wednesday 23 November 2005

9th Company: as it was in fact

Defense height of 3234 proved a diversion. Is it only?

Open letter to the Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography of the Russian Federation from the party fighting in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, the State Duma deputy of the 3rd convocation Sevenarda Konstantin Yurevich.

I recently saw the film version of a novel "Company 9". From an artistic point of view, I liked the movie. But very surprised the text, which appeared at the end of the film, before the credits.

"The film is based on real events that took place in January 1988»

In January 1988, I served in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, commanding a reconnaissance single airborne regiment. At night, we received an order to go to the aid of the 9 th company holding the defense at an altitude of 3234. The night flight and night landing require the highest level of qualification.

Nevertheless, we managed to land as close as possible to the altitude, but the fighters from the 9 th company on the one hand we have separated the sheer wall, and on the other hand superior to ten times the amount of power dushmans. In the absence of the commander, who was on vacation, the 9th commander of a company of lieutenant, and I as a senior in rank immediately after landing was ordered to take command, including the 9th company. Senior lieutenant told me that he received an offer from dushmans leave the position. In this case, it is guaranteed soldiers life and unimpeded passage to his.

Half of the personnel had serious wounds received in repelling the attacks of night. Many need urgent medical attention. He asked me to make a decision. I told him to tell dushmans that the responsibility for the decision rests with the officer outrank who enter into negotiations with them at a certain frequency.

Check with dushmans what security guarantees can be given, and what are the conditions of delivery of height, I played for time. At this time, several soldiers, scouts having a special mountaineering training, climb the rock. One of them broke and crashed, without making a sound, and without betraying his comrades. Fighters climbers managed to pull the ropes with which already razvedvzvod all rose to a height. A military doctor, who had come with us, began to help the wounded.

Some of the wounded, we immediately began to descend. All this was done in total darkness, and almost silently. When spooks realized that they cheated, and rushed to the attack, they were met by a well-prepared defense. A complete surprise to them became heavy machine guns raised us on a rock and established on the flanks. I made contact with the commander of the regiment and said that the first phase of the task is completed. But as opposed to my unit, to our knowledge, the detachment of the Mujahideen of more than 1,000 people, I ask for reinforcements. What I was refused due to the fact that the regiment was to defend the 100 km highway and people were not free.

"Your platoon - the colonel said, - quote is in my regiment." But he promised to send the machines that go to the wounded, another heavy machine gun and grenade launchers. We kept the defense height of 20 days, until we are not replaced another unit. Therefore, the events shown in the film have little to do with what happened at an altitude of 3234 in January 1988. But they just reduced the story in detail platoon cadets razvedshkoly Foreign Intelligence Service, the KGB, which occurred in 1985.

At the height of death was a platoon of cadets from Leningrad

I was one of those students. Our training squad to intelligence was the best. After passing the final exams of all we had to do an internship in a real combat conditions, then get the officer ranks.

I was a platoon commander, and I was asked to write an application for membership in the Communist Party. I said that for various reasons is not currently ready to do it. I tried to convince that did not work, was asked to write a letter of dismissal from the intelligence school. Behind me stood my platoon, and nearly 40 cadets commanders said that in the case of my allocations and write statements. I did not want this conflict, but the guys said that for them it is a matter of principle, and the officer's honor.

Our platoon was an intern as part of the 9th company separate airborne regiment. And the events shown in the film, including uchebka to Afghanistan, confirmed that for the documentary basis the history of our training platoon. Two cadets froze the first night we spent in the mountains - just do not wake up.

We fought with dignity. But we are constantly staged a test of loyalty to the communist regime. One of these is shown in the film, when a sniper shot at offering a coin with the image of the coat of arms of the Soviet Union. As a result of these checks, most likely, our squad was recognized as politically unreliable. But since we were the best to intelligence in Afghanistan and fought on equal terms with all the performing all the tasks, formal reason to deny us in getting the officer ranks were not.


As part of the 9 th company we took the defense height of 3234 to ensure the safe passage of a large column. Behind us was a cliff, at a distance from which there was a road, which is well sweep from the heights. Almost immediately there was a misunderstanding with the commander of the company by location emplacements and defense organization as a whole. We have been taught well, and all the guys in my platoon, officers virtually professionals, well aware that it is building a defense company commander, leaves us no chance in the event of a serious attack. We were able to insist on his own, and made several fortified emplacements at a distance of 500 meters to a kilometer from the main camp.

Before we dig in, how come a large force of Mujahideen. They immediately warned that in case of our radio operator broadcasts begin the assault, until the complete destruction of our company. If the commander gives the obligation to postpone the bond, we are prepared to discuss the situation. We were asked to leave the height of the pass and radio arms Mujahideen, then we guarantee the life and unhindered passage towards the location of Soviet troops.

Mujahideen readily demonstrated their strength and weapons. There were about a regiment, and were even armed with heavy rocket launchers and portable missile launchers. The company commander decided to accept the offer to lead the Mujahideen and a company from the position. Students of my platoon took it as a betrayal, and refused to carry out this order.

Then the company commander told me the secret information which was as follows: in fact, the column is on a completely different way, and the occupation of the 9th company of defense at a height of 3234 - this is a red herring. In this regard, he did not consider it necessary to destroy personnel, as the task has already been completed. But because he was openly expressed distrust of the cadets in my platoon, he takes off his platoon commanders and passes it to me.

I asked him if he understood that if we leave without an order from the command position, this ground for refusal in assignment officer ranks. "But stay alive" - ​​rightly said company commander. I told the staff of the platoon did not believe the company commander a traitor and that his decision, in my view, justified in this situation.

Nevertheless, part of the students categorically refused to leave the position, saying that for them it is a question the officer's honor, and the possibility of failure in obtaining an officer's rank on this occasion for them is worse than death. Many students said they did not want to leave the position, but to obey my orders. To which I replied that I do not consider it possible to divide the whole platoon in two, so I propose that the vote taken by the decision will be binding for all. Almost unanimously voted for cadets to stay and fight. When it became clear that we stay, we were joined by about 10 soldiers paratroopers. The rest left with the company commander, taking the radio, as this was a prerequisite for the preservation of their lives.

After a while, the battle began. As we was conducted dense mortar fire, but most of the mines did not reach our position, because the Mujahideen were not allowed by our firing points. Realizing that the time of their resistance is limited, I told the students in addition to the trenches to dig deep, narrow hole. If the guys on the first line of defense have been destroyed, we hit literally hail of grenades and mines, which would not leave anyone alive, if we did not prepare in advance. The Mujahideen were on parade, confident that will catch only the charred corpses. Admitted them very close, we have opened a heavy fire. I had to climb on the pile of corpses of the Mujahideen, as they interfere with fire, closing review.

Almost the entire squad of Mujahideen was in good adjust our space. Realizing that the other way they do not, they fled the attack and killed hundreds. We just did not have enough time to change the cartridges and shops. We finished last in the melee.

This detachment of the Mujahideen survived one, all the space in front of our trenches and around them was littered with the bodies. Almost all of the students were either killed or seriously injured. Only four people were injured, which allowed them to move independently. One of them I have.

I knew I would not stay alive and trying to give a chance to wounded comrades

Taking ammunition as much as I could, I went to the fortified emplacement, which was about eight hundred meters from the camp. Ordering those who could still move, using ropes and related tunic, hiding in crevices of the rocks of the wounded where they had at least some chance of our wait. I had some time to prepare for the defense at the firing point. Under the standard flak jacket, I planted an additional steel plate. At some distance from each other I found two machine guns, creating a barrier between them with stones and sand from the manhole to both positions could not be destroyed by a blast.

Again approached squad of Mujahideen was not numerically smaller than the first. I do not remember exactly how to continue the fight, then I was told that just before my position was more than 50 corpses dushmans.

When out of ammo to win for the guys for some time, I stood up on the parapet and said dushmans that I am a prophet and my killing them Allah will punish. And the proof of this is that they still have not been able to do to me, despite several direct hits from a grenade launcher in firing point.

Dushmans is a bit amused. Before opening the fire, they pozuboskalit few minutes. Bullets knocked me to the parapet, and I went up to him again. At first it amused dushmans, but then someone fired a grenade "Flame" in my head. The grenade did not explode, and splits a piece of bone above his right eye, he ricocheted. The blow I began to lose consciousness, but he forced himself to get up. When I again stood on the parapet in me no one else has shot. Before losing consciousness, I realized that I can not see anything.

When he came - struck silence. At the touch I was convinced that I was still there, at the gun. I thought that our just can not find me in this remote firing point. Therefore, crawled in the direction of the camp, trying to avoid all the time was up. A good guideline were dushmans body - the closer to our trenches, the greater the number of layers they lay.

Psychologically, the most difficult was to survive the night. I knew that those wounded who are unconscious, have no chance to survive until morning. At night, at the height of it it was very cold. As far as I know, all the students received the rank of officers, almost all posthumously. A little later I was invited to take the following version of events: I replaced the seriously wounded the company commander, the radio had been damaged by fire, I was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. From this version, I refused. In my opinion, the film "Company 9", as claimed by a certain Documentary, could tell the truth about the dead officers - graduates heroes intelligence school at Leningrad.

The film "Company 9" would be an insult to my dead comrades at an altitude of 3234. Offensive it for me

Until now, I never could see a serious analysis of the causes of the Afghan war and what happened in the theater of operations. The fact that the outbreak of war was preceded by growing discontent with the Communist regime, including in the ranks of Soviet officers, sometimes expressed in acts of public disobedience and protest - it's a fact. With a high degree of probability of these shares were stimulated and sometimes planned by foreign secret services.

And the very Afghan war largely was the play, directed - the enemies of our country. In Afghanistan, shot back the most patriotic and capable officers and soldiers. Our opponents were analyzed strengths and weaknesses of the Soviet Army, without revealing his.

In that war, a huge percentage of officers and soldiers-order bearers were from the Caucasus, many of them from Chechnya. Then the peoples of the Caucasus is a reliable talent pool our common army.

Someone tried to drive a wedge between our peoples, and who should be held accountable: Andropov, Gorbachev, Yeltsin? .. Why has everything that is removed and written about Afghanistan, is superficial, not applying for an autopsy causal relationships in nature. The film "Company 9" would be an insult to my killed at an altitude of 3234 friends. He and offensive to me. And the fact that the film was made well and with government support, suggests, rather than trying to replace them if the truth, and if you try, then who?

Sevenard KY

I found here