101-year-old Buster Martin will participate in the marathon

101-year-old Buster Martin is training to become the oldest marathon runner in the London Marathon next month. He ran a half marathon last weekend, completing it in 5 hours.
Buster Martin is unlikely to set a world record in the marathon. He drinks beer, smokes cigarettes, and not at home for a long time. And he was 101 years old.
He plans to break the record next month at the London Marathon. And he looks forward to a beer after cross the finish line.
"He smokes, drinks, long time no home, so maybe he's still alive," - says Charlie Mullins (Charlie Mullins), managing director of water company in which Martin cleans vans.
When Martin is not working, it can be found in the nearest gym for boxing with a pair of trainers to prepare for the April run. He was not surprised by the fact that it is still running.
"I'm not doing anything unusual. I just run a marathon, "- says Martin ABC News.
For Martin age - this is not a greater obstacle than the finishing tape. "You'll never be too old to do something that brings you pleasure".
Martin likes to run. "But not as much as the likes beer" - he adds.
Martin already has three world titles, like the very elderly man in the women's 5 km, 10 km and half marathon.
Martin said that last weekend ran a half-marathon (13 miles) a little more than five hours. According to him, it could be done faster, but he stopped to drink beer and smoke.
Martin runs in the name of charity. He raises money for children suffering from fatal diseases.
His boss tells him: "Wonderful small. He is a regular guy, but at the same time, it is striking that it is involved in this kind of charity ".
Martin is also the father of 17 children.
He likes to live life to the fullest.
Martin plays in a rock band "Zimmers".