10 insane squandering history
10 In Rome, there were so many rich people as never was in other capitals. They scrambled to outdo each other in squandering. "Winners" were often those in power. Thus, the Emperor Vitellius whole nights spent at banquets, taking emetics mixed with food. For one of the feasts he once took in 2000 and 6000 birds of delicious fish. His chefs constantly racked their brains to invent new dishes. One of them was worth 100,000 sesterces and was cooked sweet meat, poultry liver, pheasant and peacock brains, parrots, etc. languages
9 Crazy Emperor Heliogabalus, who imagines himself a living god, and ate green peas, mixed with grains of gold, and rice with pearls. Is there any unmatched fantasy Romans in gastronomy, hard to say. But some of their traditions embraced the next generation.
8 In 1172, in a brilliant courtyard at Bekere Count of Toulouse gathered even more brilliant company of the kings of England and Aragon. They needed to discuss some political issues. In those days, think about spending was considered bad form. Forum member William Martel, for example, brought with him 300 knights. These "pitching" became famous in the cabal, they were also famous for his monstrous appetite. In order to better treat them, the owner has forbidden to heat pockets in the kitchens of ordinary wood. For noble knights' stomachs were ordered to cook on the fire wax torches, it was not cheap - in those days they replaced the chandelier.
7 There were great masters and in Russia. On the famous Nizhny Novgorod Fair in restaurant merchants wash really good deal. One of tipsy revelers drew attention to the singing of the nightingale in a cage. Beckoning finger of the owner. He runs up and bowing obsequiously. "How much?" - Asks Kupchina. "One hundred rubles, vashestvo!" - "Roast!" The owner picks up the cage with a bird in the kitchen. After a while back with a nightingale on a silver platter. The merchant, bychas a long time trying to understand what he brought, then he says: "Cut a penny».
Nero's mother Agrippina once paid a huge amount for the singing of the nightingale: she wanted to know the taste of the language of the birds. With a light hand of the Empress decoration of the table of the rich Romans began foie nightingale languages.
6 But all surpassed Bertrand de Rambaud. He ordered to plow the land around the castle owner. In response to questions bewildered knight silently grinning through his beard. When finished plowing, furrow people Sumy went over his shoulder. They are "planted" in the ground hefty thirty thousand coins of pure silver. Guests gasped, and Rumbaugh shone like polished nickle.
5 A lover of Queen Anne of Austria Duke of Buckingham, best known for the novel by Dumas' The Three Musketeers ", once appeared at the ball dressed in richly embroidered with pearls. But the pearls were sewn somehow, and now and then broke away. Forgetting about the dances, the participants throw them the ball lift. When the pearl tray Buckingham, who politely asked to leave the find itself on the memory of it.
4 And the French ambassador Duke of Richelieu (not the cardinal, and his descendant) in Vienna "littered" Silver Horseshoe, which are specially bad nailed to his horses hooves.
3 A man who knows how to spend money in an original, makes an indelible impression on women. It knows every philanderer. But not all of them will venture that made Duke de Conti. Shortly before the French Revolution, in a conversation with him court lady De Bolt said he wanted to have a thumbnail image of a bird. A few days later she received from the Duke of golden ring with the desired pattern ... which was a flat diamond huge cost. De Bolt was flattered, but sent back to the diamond. She did not think he deserved such an expensive gift. In his reply the Duke de Conti said that it deeply regrets the refusal. And he added sand to dry the ink, which was written by his response, made from the same diamond.
2 Everyone has heard about the feasts of the Roman politician Lucullus (106-56 BC.).
This rich man was known for his "refined gluttony." Here is how a typical feast of Lucullus writer Petronius Arbiter. Lucullus is launched under the name Trimalhiona.
"Going into the house Trimalhiona - says the arbitrator - each guest washed his hands in the water, gave him a slave, then he washed his feet, and he lay down on the prepared his bed, and the servants have made a large table in the middle of which was a wooden hen with golden wings ; peacock beside her lay eggs. The owner, smiling, said: "My friends, I was ordered to put peacock eggs under the chicken. Let's see if she hatched them? "The guests took an egg, smash and each found a fat snipe roasted. After this dish wine glasses filled Falernian. Then there is a new dish: Artist cook stuffing sculpted from maps of different countries belonging to the Roman Empire. Next to the table was fed enormous amounts of wild boar. My dear master, as though frightened, shouted: "Cook has forgotten to gut a boar, try to do it yourself!" And from the stomach began to pour huge boar variety of dishes: sausage, fried birds, nuts, fruits and so on. Because breast boar poured into glasses falernian wine. Of the other body parts flying live birds and poured the precious gifts, which were distributed to those present. After the boar have carried out, on the table was served a huge roasted calf. From his mascara and getting out on the table a variety of dishes and rich gifts. Then the guests were offered chicken, stuffed fish, oysters, duck eggs, different sweets ».
In the XVI century, one of the richest bankers in Europe were considered Fuggers. Once they had taken at the Emperor Charles V of Habsburg. The joy on the occasion of visit of the distinguished guest expressed his host that his bedroom to heat ordered not ordinary wood, and bark of the cinnamon tree. Even this is bark a lot, but in those days it was still expensive. But that is not all. Honorary Kindle the fire took the owner himself. Kneeling, Fugger asked to do this paper with the signature of His Majesty. The Emperor expressed a wish to see the text of the document. After reading, August nodded in approval. Still would! Melt fireplace banker Charles V about the obligation to return the Fuggers hefty debt 50,000 thaler.
More in IV. BC. Aristotle said: "But to spend on what you want, as long as necessary, when, for what, and how to, not everyone is capable of, and it's not easy."
9 Crazy Emperor Heliogabalus, who imagines himself a living god, and ate green peas, mixed with grains of gold, and rice with pearls. Is there any unmatched fantasy Romans in gastronomy, hard to say. But some of their traditions embraced the next generation.
8 In 1172, in a brilliant courtyard at Bekere Count of Toulouse gathered even more brilliant company of the kings of England and Aragon. They needed to discuss some political issues. In those days, think about spending was considered bad form. Forum member William Martel, for example, brought with him 300 knights. These "pitching" became famous in the cabal, they were also famous for his monstrous appetite. In order to better treat them, the owner has forbidden to heat pockets in the kitchens of ordinary wood. For noble knights' stomachs were ordered to cook on the fire wax torches, it was not cheap - in those days they replaced the chandelier.
7 There were great masters and in Russia. On the famous Nizhny Novgorod Fair in restaurant merchants wash really good deal. One of tipsy revelers drew attention to the singing of the nightingale in a cage. Beckoning finger of the owner. He runs up and bowing obsequiously. "How much?" - Asks Kupchina. "One hundred rubles, vashestvo!" - "Roast!" The owner picks up the cage with a bird in the kitchen. After a while back with a nightingale on a silver platter. The merchant, bychas a long time trying to understand what he brought, then he says: "Cut a penny».
Nero's mother Agrippina once paid a huge amount for the singing of the nightingale: she wanted to know the taste of the language of the birds. With a light hand of the Empress decoration of the table of the rich Romans began foie nightingale languages.
6 But all surpassed Bertrand de Rambaud. He ordered to plow the land around the castle owner. In response to questions bewildered knight silently grinning through his beard. When finished plowing, furrow people Sumy went over his shoulder. They are "planted" in the ground hefty thirty thousand coins of pure silver. Guests gasped, and Rumbaugh shone like polished nickle.
5 A lover of Queen Anne of Austria Duke of Buckingham, best known for the novel by Dumas' The Three Musketeers ", once appeared at the ball dressed in richly embroidered with pearls. But the pearls were sewn somehow, and now and then broke away. Forgetting about the dances, the participants throw them the ball lift. When the pearl tray Buckingham, who politely asked to leave the find itself on the memory of it.
4 And the French ambassador Duke of Richelieu (not the cardinal, and his descendant) in Vienna "littered" Silver Horseshoe, which are specially bad nailed to his horses hooves.
3 A man who knows how to spend money in an original, makes an indelible impression on women. It knows every philanderer. But not all of them will venture that made Duke de Conti. Shortly before the French Revolution, in a conversation with him court lady De Bolt said he wanted to have a thumbnail image of a bird. A few days later she received from the Duke of golden ring with the desired pattern ... which was a flat diamond huge cost. De Bolt was flattered, but sent back to the diamond. She did not think he deserved such an expensive gift. In his reply the Duke de Conti said that it deeply regrets the refusal. And he added sand to dry the ink, which was written by his response, made from the same diamond.
2 Everyone has heard about the feasts of the Roman politician Lucullus (106-56 BC.).
This rich man was known for his "refined gluttony." Here is how a typical feast of Lucullus writer Petronius Arbiter. Lucullus is launched under the name Trimalhiona.
"Going into the house Trimalhiona - says the arbitrator - each guest washed his hands in the water, gave him a slave, then he washed his feet, and he lay down on the prepared his bed, and the servants have made a large table in the middle of which was a wooden hen with golden wings ; peacock beside her lay eggs. The owner, smiling, said: "My friends, I was ordered to put peacock eggs under the chicken. Let's see if she hatched them? "The guests took an egg, smash and each found a fat snipe roasted. After this dish wine glasses filled Falernian. Then there is a new dish: Artist cook stuffing sculpted from maps of different countries belonging to the Roman Empire. Next to the table was fed enormous amounts of wild boar. My dear master, as though frightened, shouted: "Cook has forgotten to gut a boar, try to do it yourself!" And from the stomach began to pour huge boar variety of dishes: sausage, fried birds, nuts, fruits and so on. Because breast boar poured into glasses falernian wine. Of the other body parts flying live birds and poured the precious gifts, which were distributed to those present. After the boar have carried out, on the table was served a huge roasted calf. From his mascara and getting out on the table a variety of dishes and rich gifts. Then the guests were offered chicken, stuffed fish, oysters, duck eggs, different sweets ».
In the XVI century, one of the richest bankers in Europe were considered Fuggers. Once they had taken at the Emperor Charles V of Habsburg. The joy on the occasion of visit of the distinguished guest expressed his host that his bedroom to heat ordered not ordinary wood, and bark of the cinnamon tree. Even this is bark a lot, but in those days it was still expensive. But that is not all. Honorary Kindle the fire took the owner himself. Kneeling, Fugger asked to do this paper with the signature of His Majesty. The Emperor expressed a wish to see the text of the document. After reading, August nodded in approval. Still would! Melt fireplace banker Charles V about the obligation to return the Fuggers hefty debt 50,000 thaler.
More in IV. BC. Aristotle said: "But to spend on what you want, as long as necessary, when, for what, and how to, not everyone is capable of, and it's not easy."