Magic Words. Angelina Jolie:

1. "When you do something for the other from the heart, without expecting gratitude, someone writes this in the Book of Destiny, and sends the happiness of which you have not even dreamed».
2. "I do not regret nothing. Never regretted. And do not believe in regrets fertility. While you're sorry - ashamed of themselves. While ashamed - you're in a cage ».
3. "Love - is when you give, and you want to give even more. Passion - this is when you take, and you want to take more ».
4. "People will always say different nonsense. Let. I enjoy my life ».
5. "When someone loves you, and when you make someone happy, you suddenly start to feel the most beautiful person in the world».
6. "I always live one moment. I do not like to make plans for the future. Tomorrow may change everything - my life, my appearance, people around me, the profession. Otherwise - bored with life. ».
7. "Find yourself, because then you do anything."
Paraty (Paraty), Brazil.
amy massive glacial peak in America is in the state of Washington and Mount Rainier called.